Interim report January - September 2007

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Net asset value increased by MSEK 34 compared to June 30 to a total of MSEK 2,115 at the end of the period, with a net asset value per share of SEK 91.54

Exchange rate differences in the third quarter affected the net asset value negatively by MSEK -98

Consolidated net income amounted to MSEK -148 for the third quarter and MSEK -131 for the first nine months

Approximately MSEK 300 was raised through a share issue in kind and a share issue in cash

After end of period

EOS Russia announced a directed share issue in kind and a share issue in cash of MSEK 486 at the end of September, aimed at clients of Troika Dialog, which was completed after the period ended on October 8

For further information:

Sven Thorngren, CEO

+46-8-509 00 180

Ulf-Henrik Svensson, CFO,

+46-8-509 00 180

Ann-Sofi Jönsson, Investor Relations

+46-8-509 00 180

All our press releases are available on our homepage.

EOS Russia is an investment company headquartered in Stockholm. The overall objective of the company is to offer attractive returns via investments in the Russian utility sector. EOS Russia’s shares have been listed on First North, a marketplace operated by the Stockholm Stock Exchange, since 25 June 2007.


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