Our efforts to develop the company from a Nordic online travel agency into an international search and transaction company continue at a rapid pace.
I look forward to sharing my knowledge from the international online market and contributing to Etraveli’s development.
We are pleased to report that the actions we have taken so far in 2014 to strengthen revenue and profitability within Etraveli clearly had an impact during the third quarter.
We as a company will of course take our responsibility to develop our business and strengthen our competitiveness by attracting the best talents
We are delighted that Ralph Axelson after many years within the operative management of the company now will become a member of the Board.
The measures taken to strengthen revenue and profitability are having their intended effect
After taking a number of measures, we have seen a clear, consistent improvement in revenue and operating profit in March, April and the beginning of May.
We are now stepping into some of the largest markets in Europe, in line with our pan-European expansion plan.