PR – Launch

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The purpose with the PR launch is to present eWork for; press, potential customers and partners.
The main focus is to give media a good understanding of our business and something “new” to write about.

Date: September 12, 2000
Time: 11.00 - 1.00 pm,
Place: Södra Paviljongen, T-centralen

Invitation Media
We will send our invitations September 1, 2000. The week after we will be calling the journalists and promote the launch that way as well. A reminder of the invitation will be sent September 8. The same day as the launch, a press release will be sent out.

Invitation Partners and Customers
Invitation will be sent to potential customers and partners two weeks before the event.

We predict that approximately 50-60 people will come. Hopefully at least 10 of them will be journalists.

Tentative Agenda

11.00 Host/hostess welcomes all the guests and introduces the Scandinavian team.

Presentation of eWork – background and our concept
• The market
• How eWork was founded, future plans and product development
• The business concept
• Target audiences


Speakers: Magnus Berglind and Hans Bukow

11.40 Testimonials – “a great match” – two people that found
project/competence through eWork.


11.50 External speaker – Theme – “eworking a new way of working”

Speaker: Still to be decided –Most probably Bi Puranen,m who is a great
researcher on new ways of working and living.


12.15 Buffe´


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