

We are incredibly proud that our commitment and focus on driving Fabege towards an even more sustainable social actor is reflected in the evaluation. Together we make a difference.
Mia Häggström, Head of Sustainability at Fabege
 It is positive that the transaction market has come back to life. We saw several transactions in the CBD and in the outskirts with yield requirements that confirm our valuations.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO.
For Fabege it is important with continuity and transparency to support the analysis of our credit profile. We feel that we have good confidence from the market, which our latest public issue of SEK 1.2bn last week proves.
Åsa Bergström, CFO at Fabege
The settlement with Telia is commercially motivated and will eventually have a positive impact on net letting as well as the property's NOI and property value. We appreciate our relationship with Telia as an important tenant that contributes to Arenastaden's attractiveness. Together we continue to develop Arenastaden, says Stefan Dahlbo, CEO Fabege.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO Fabege.
A stable result as a whole.  We increased rental income and improved net operating income despite a wait-and see and somewhat cautious market. CEO.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
We are very happy that BSH is moving to us and thereby further strengthening the mix of brands in the area. We look forward to welcoming all the new employees to Solna Business Park.
Johan Zachrisson, Business Development Manager at Fabege.
It is people who make a city and we are building for people. With its unique mix of academia, business and new cultural experiences in an attractive location, we are building a dynamic, unique and attractive urban centre that strengthens the entire Stockholm region.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO of Fabege.
We deliver a strong result with increased rental income, improved surplus ratio, increased profit from property management and strong net letting despite a turbulent environment. During the autumn, the rental market continued to be pending, while the financing market improved considerably.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
We are delighted that Bengt Dahlgren has chosen to move into our fantastic Textiltorget property. With its vibrant street environment, people will not just pass by, but will also take time for a morning coffee, shopping or a cafe visit after work. This is completely in line with our vision of really bringing the area along Virkesvägen to life.
Linus Tillander, Letting Manager at Fabege.
What we call an office has a central function in the lives of many. The office is important for creating community, belonging and enthusiasm. Still, it’s important for all of us to be open and responsive to developments, not least because of new technology. We believe and hope that this report can support this development.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO of Fabege.
Attractive offices are the engine of a city’s growth. What makes an office attractive is largely defined by employees, and to create long-term sustainable office concepts we need always be curious about how we can meet our tenants’ needs and wishes.
Knut Rost, CEO of Diös.
It is no longer enough to ‘entice’ employees back to the office. Instead, attention must be given to the whole person and to creating work environments that allow for well-being as well as productivity. You shouldn’t need to work at home to be able to concentrate.
Ulrika Hallengren, CEO of Wihlborgs
We are continuing to develop Haga Norra. The next step is a residential housing project. Due to our long-term approach and financial stability, as well as the demand seen in previous housing development projects in the area, we are positive about launching the next phase even though the market has become more uncertain and the general economic situation is tougher.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO of Fabege.
We have worked together with Fabege on several projects in recent years and are now looking forward to the first residential housing project conducted via Birger Bostad. During the design phase, we worked on the project’s climate impact by looking at the possibility of reusing bricks and using climate-enhanced concrete. The apartments will also have the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
Henrik Landelius, Business Area Manager NCC Building Sweden.
As a result of her active work and leadership, Mia has ensured that our environmental, social and economic sustainability efforts are at the forefront in the industry. I am very pleased that Mia, with her broad experience of everything from management and projects to development and reporting, will now also take on an even more wide-ranging responsibility within the Group as a member of the Executive Management Team.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
Arenastaden is a very attractive area and we are only halfway through its urban development. We will put people at the heart of the development of the new city blocks, by filling the best location in Arenastaden with restaurants, housing and offices.”
Charlotte Liliegren, Head of Urban and Property Development at Fabege.
Continuing to develop a vibrant urban environment in Solna is an important part of our long-term efforts to create a more sustainable municipality. It is great that the local development plan has now come into force, as this will make it possible for even more people to live and work in Arenastaden.
Martin Eliasson, Chair of the City of Solna’s Building Committee.
Fabege has long engaged in dedicated sustainability initiatives to reduce the industry’s climate footprint. The green share is further proof that we take our sustainability efforts very seriously. This makes it easier for investors to make informed and sustainable choices.
Åsa Bergström, Vice President and CFO.
AIK Fotboll belongs in Solna. It feels fantastic to now be able to offer AIK a sustainable and comprehensive solution for its men’s and women’s teams, as well as the youth academy, while we also make a big push regarding football activities for children and young people in Solna.
Sara Kukka-Salam, Chair of the Municipal Executive Board of the City of Solna.
We are very pleased that the City of Solna is making it possible for AIK Fotboll to have a home within the municipality’s boundaries. We see ourselves as a key social stakeholder in the City of Solna and it is therefore important for both us and the municipality that AIK Fotboll can continue to grow in an environment in which we, and our players, trainers and members, can thrive."
AIK Fotboll CEO and Club Director Fredrik Söderberg.
Our youngsters benefit greatly from sport, as they get to meet and interact with their teammates and dedicated adults. They also need idols and role models to look up to in their club and the national teams. We want to help ensure that football continues to be a positive force in Solna. And what is good for Solna and AIK is also good for Fabege.
Johan Zachrisson, Business Development Manager at Fabege.
For Fabege it is important to make investors aware of our high quality and our long-term approach. We’re delighted to have received this acknowledgement of the company’s financial stability via the affirmation from Moody’s.
Åsa Bergström, CFO at Fabege.
- We are very pleased that the Swedish National Agency for Education has chosen to stay with us, after evaluating a large number of other potential premises. This testifies to the great attractiveness of Solna Business Park, with its mix of companies, authorities and service outlets, as well as the value of its proximity to public transport.
Susanna Elvsén, Market Area Manager at Fabege. 
We want to, we can and we will make a difference. “The reuse hub is a catalyst that enables a greater degree of reuse in Fabege’s business operations. In the long term, we also want to open it up to other participants, like a DIY store for the property industry, but with reused materials,.
Stefan Windefalk, Head of Redevelopment at Fabege.
We need to create the right conditions to enable circular material flows. This means building primarily with recycled materials and also with materials that have a high proportion of recycled or renewable content. Our goal is that at least 20 per cent of the materials used in a redevelopment project are circular.
Mia Häggström, Head of Sustainability at Fabege.
We disseminate information about our reuse strategy and share our experiences, systems and working practices regarding reuse. There is great interest in the industry and we believe the whole sector can move forwards together. The potential of the reuse market for construction materials is huge.
Stefan Windefalk, Head of Redevelopment at Fabege.
We are very proud that Saab has chosen us as its partner to create a new workplace in Solna for its employees. The fact that even in the current market we at Fabege are making one of Sweden’s largest lettings is a sign of strength.
Stefan Dahlbo, President and CEO
We saw stable earnings with increased rental income and improved operating surplus that almost met increased interest expenses. The interest rate trend has led to higher yield requirements and continued pressure on property values.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO.
We consider this year’s GRESB result to be further proof that we are a leading company with our ambitious sustainability agenda. We have the industry's lowest energy performance, at 73 kWh/sqm Atemp, we environmentally certified our entire portfolio already three years ago and we were the first Swedish property company to achieve 100 percent green financing.
Mia Häggström, Head of Sustainability
The sale is a natural part of our business model. The properties are located outside our strategic urban development areas and the transaction also further strengthens our balance sheet. We are currently investing for the future in several ongoing projects, including Flemingsberg and Haga Norra.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
We reported positive net lettings of SEK 34m during the second quarter and of SEK 22m for the first six months of the year. In addition, we also had the letter of intent for the letting of the entire property Nöten 4, comprising 66,000 sqm. The supply of larger modern premises is still limited, particularly in Stockholm inner city and in Arenastaden.”
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO.
The capital market is an important part of Fabege’s financing and sustainability strategy. We continuously aim for sustainable financing in a more and more demanding environment.
Åsa Bergström, CFO at Fabege.
It feels great to be moving to new modern premises in Arenastaden and also to have the opportunity to contribute our expertise to the customer experience in the form of service provision relating to restaurants, cleaning, reception and conferences.
AnnaCarin Grandin, President and Group CEO of Coor.
We see a trend in the market that customers want modern office premises in attractive locations, and the lease agreements with Coor demonstrate this. There is good demand for the remaining space and the aim is for the property to achieve full occupancy in 2023.
Karl Henrik Lenneryd, Project Letting Agent at Fabege.
It has been fantastic being involved in the planning right from the very start, and being given help putting our thoughts and ideas into practice. I am looking forward to the festival and hope it can become a regular event. It’s amazing that this is happening in the centre of Flemingsberg.
Adam Hassad, 17, who has been a member of the planning group and will also perform under the stage name DJ Sultan during the festival.
Putting so many great local artists on stage, and giving the audience at Flemingsberg Block Party the opportunity to experience them live, is really fun. Combining the stars of tomorrow with more established names is something we are truly passionate about. We look forward to continuing the collaboration regarding this dynamic and vibrant place, where there are so many young people and such a large audience interested in music.
Lotta Carlson, Business Developer at All Things Live.
“It will be incredible with the festival, and filling central Flemingsberg with people, music, culture and a belief in the future. We hope that many of the things that happen during the festival can become more permanent features in Flemingsberg, for example in a creative cluster that can develop around the Royal Swedish Opera and Royal Dramatic Theatre, which will soon open their doors in Flemingsberg, gigs on the Campus area and more meeting places for young people in the area.
Karin Lekberg, Project Manager for Flemingsberg Block Party.
Flemingsberg is one of Sweden’s biggest and also most important development projects. The long-term vision for the development project is 50,000 residents, 50,000 people working in the area and 50,000 people visiting and passing through it. Flemingsberg is being transformed from a regional centre into an international star.
Camilla Broo, Director of Huddinge Municipality.
The key aspects in the development project are collaboration, the power of experimentation and contrasts. In Flemingsberg, housing, business, academia and nature come together to create a unique dynamic that we want to strengthen even more. This initiative will give energy and a push to the development work and we hope that the festival will lead to more long-term collaborations and elements in Flemingsberg.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO of Fabege
- The great thing about Flemingsberg Block Party is that we will highlight the local energy and everything that is going on in the area via a big festival in the heart of Flemingsberg. In the analysis we have conducted in the project on the basis of 12 years of citizen dialogues, we have identified wishes that align well with what we are now putting into practice. Campus Flemingsberg is Sweden’s eighth largest campus, with about 20,000 students, and is an important catalyst in the development of Flemingsberg.
Sara Ferlander, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Södertörn University.
What is new and inspiring about Flemingsberg Block Party is that the organisers and participants consist of an exciting mix of both young people in Flemingsberg and more experienced festival organisers. It will have a great programme! There will also be the possibility to view the development plans for Flemingsberg in a special exhibition area.
Karin Lekberg, Project Manager for Flemingsberg Block Party.
We note that there is a high level of activity in the rental market in Stockholm with increased turnover but continued stable rent levels. Lettings are still being made at good levels but the indexation from the year-end is expected to limit future potential during renegotiations.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
During the start of the year, rental income and net operating income have increased, while rising interest rates have led to higher financing costs and rising yield requirements in the valuations. Our portfolio of modern properties in attractive locations and good access to capital gives us stability and the ability to take on the challenges and seize the opportunities that the market offers.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO.
“We are really looking forward to welcoming Randstad’s employees to Kvarter 1. There is a great deal of interest from the market and we are excited about our continuing development in the area,”
Karl Henrik Lenneryd, Project Letting Managerat.
We at Randstad look forward to being able to offer our employees such an attractive working environment as Kvarter 1, and to welcome our customers and candidates into modern, functional, and accessible premises that meet all different needs.
Inge Dijkstra, CEO of Randstad Sweden.
I am very pleased that we have once again received confirmation of what a good company Fabege is, and we are nothing without our employees. We have a fantastic corporate culture and strive to develop in line with the world around us.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO
We are a value-driven company, and our corporate culture permeates everything we do. However, this has not come about automatically; we have worked in a dedicated way with our fundamental values for a long time.
Gunilla Cornell, Head of HR
We want to contribute to a sustainable Stockholm and to reduce our carbon footprint, including by being part of the transition to fossil-free energy use. The agreement with Stockholm Exergi brings us closer to our goal of being climate-neutral by 2030 and supplements our successful energy efficiency efforts” .
Mia Häggström, Head of Sustainability at Fabege
The year 2022 was characterised by an uncertain world with sharply rising inflation and increased interest rates. We are delivering stable earnings with increased rental income and positive net lettings. We see that activity is good in the rental market in Stockholm for office premises in our areas, however, we noted a slightly more cautious development towards the end of the year.
Stefan Dahlbo, CEO Fabege.
Huvudsta has been a solitary development right in our portfolio. Following the sale, we have a portfolio of 610 000 sqm of residential development rights. The majority of these development rights are in our priority areas of Arenastaden and Flemingsberg, and the work to develop these continues to be run by our company Birger Bostad.
Stefan Dahlbo, President and CEO.
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