Finnair Traffic Performance in March 2016
Finnair Plc. Stock Exchange Release 8 April 2016 at 09:00 am EET
Number of passengers grew 6.5% year‐on‐year
In March, Finnair's overall capacity measured in Available Seat Kilometres grew by 3.3 per cent and traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew by 4.2 per cent year‐on‐year. The passenger load factor rose by 0.6%-points to 79.5 per cent
The capacity in Asian traffic remained unchanged in March, while traffic increased by 0.1 per cent year‐on‐year on the back of slightly higher loads. Meanwhile, capacity in American traffic increased by 21.9 per cent due to the Miami route being operated this year, and traffic measured in RPK grew by as much as 30.1 per cent.
The capacity in European traffic grew by 2.6 per cent, while traffic grew by 3.6 per cent year‐on‐year. At the same time, the capacity in domestic traffic grew by 16.1 per cent and traffic by 14.5 per cent year‐on‐year, particularly due to the inclusion of the routes previously operated at Norra’s own commercial risk as Finnair’s purchased traffic after the reference period.
In January–March, the passenger unit revenue* per available seat kilometre rose by 0.5 per cent year‐on‐year and totalled 5.17 euro cents.
"In the first quarter of 2016, the passenger unit revenue improved slightly in our long-haul traffic. Meanwhile, unit revenue developments were slightly negative on our domestic and European routes, where our capacity has increased faster and load developments have been sluggish", says Finnair CFO Pekka Vähähyyppä.
In March, the cargo capacity in scheduled traffic measured in Available Tonne Kilometres grew by 2.5 per cent, and Revenue Tonne Kilometres increased by 6.1 per cent year on year. The cargo load factor in scheduled traffic was 55.5 per cent. In addition, Finnair’s total freight capacity includes two weekly freighter flights between Helsinki and Brussels and two weekly freighter flights shared with IAG between Helsinki and London, both operated by DHL.
In March, 88.7 per cent of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (90.3).
Traffic statistics for April 2016 will be published on Monday, 9 May 2016.
Finnair Traffic Performance March 2016
March 2016 | %-Change | Year-to date 2016 | %-Change | |
Total Traffic | ||||
Passengers 1000 | 905,8 | 6,5 | 2 501,1 | 9,5 |
Available seat kilometres mill | 2 788,8 | 3,3 | 8 120,6 | 5,3 |
Revenue passenger kilometres mill | 2 216,5 | 4,2 | 6 400,4 | 6,3 |
Passenger load factor % | 79,5 | 0,6 p | 78,8 | 0,8 p |
Cargo tonnes total | 11 638,2 | 3,0 | 32 930,1 | 8,2 |
Available tonne kilometres mill | 408,2 | 3,3 | 1 188,3 | 4,8 |
Revenue tonne-kilometres mill | 268,9 | 4,6 | 771,3 | 7,2 |
Overall load factor % | 65,9 | 0,9 p | 64,9 | 1,4 p |
Europe | ||||
Passengers 1000 | 512,4 | 5,0 | 1 388,9 | 6,5 |
Available seat kilometres mill | 1 050,7 | 2,6 | 2 998,6 | 5,1 |
Revenue passenger kilometres mill | 825,8 | 3,6 | 2 228,8 | 4,0 |
Passenger load factor % | 78,6 | 0,8 p | 74,3 | -0,8 p |
North Atlantic | ||||
Passengers 1000 | 24,6 | 26,0 | 68,3 | 8,9 |
Available seat kilometres mill | 219,2 | 21,9 | 632,4 | 8,0 |
Revenue passenger kilometres mill | 181,2 | 30,1 | 508,6 | 10,4 |
Passenger load factor % | 82,7 | 5,2 p | 80,4 | 1,8 p |
Asia | ||||
Passengers 1000 | 142,8 | -1,0 | 439,3 | 4,8 |
Available seat kilometres mill | 1 341,3 | 0,0 | 4 021,5 | 3,5 |
Revenue passenger kilometres mill | 1 081,3 | 0,1 | 3 328,5 | 5,9 |
Passenger load factor % | 80,6 | 0,1 p | 82,8 | 1,9 p |
Domestic | ||||
Passengers 1000 | 226,0 | 13,8 | 604,7 | 21,7 |
Available seat kilometres mill | 177,7 | 16,1 | 468,2 | 20,5 |
Revenue passenger kilometres mill | 128,2 | 14,5 | 334,5 | 20,6 |
Passenger load factor % | 72,1 | -1,0 p | 71,4 | 0,1 p |
Cargo Traffic | ||||
Cargo scheduled traffic total tonnes | 10 093,9 | 5,6 | 28 530,2 | 8,8 |
Europe tonnes | 1 972,7 | 10,0 | 5 515,3 | 11,3 |
North Atlantic tonnes | 691,4 | -10,3 | 2 027,0 | -7,0 |
Asia tonnes | 7 277,6 | 6,3 | 20 524,2 | 10,0 |
Domestic tonnes | 152,3 | -2,2 | 463,7 | 9,0 |
Cargo flights, tonnes** | 1 544,3 | -11,0 | 4 399,8 | 4,5 |
Cargo tonnes total | 11 638,2 | 3,0 | 32 930,1 | 8,2 |
Available tonne kilometres* mill | 120,3 | 2,2 | 354,0 | 4,8 |
Revenue tonne kilometres mill | 70,7 | 6,1 | 198,8 | 10,2 |
Available sched.cargo tonne kms*, mill. | 112,0 | 2,5 | 330,5 | 5,4 |
Revenue sched.cargo tonne kms, mill. | 62,1 | 6,1 | 175,6 | 9,2 |
Cargo load factor* % | 58,8 | 2,2 p | 56,1 | 2,8 p |
- North-Atlantic cargo load factor* % | 42,9 | -3,0 p | 41,4 | -0,1 p |
* Operational calculatory capacity
** Including purchased traffic
– Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the previous year (p = percentage points)
– Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by the number of kilometres flown
– Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried, multiplied by kilometres flown
– Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat kilometres
– Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown
– Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown
– Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne kilometres for carriage of passengers, cargo and mail
Further information:
Finnair communications, 358 9 818 4020, comms(a)
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