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7 tips and tricks to make the best out of working from home during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Working from home can be a blessing and a privilege, but when you’re more or less forced to do it, it can get old quick. After a few days of “it’s so nice to sleep in” and “I love staying home!” you might find yourself out of routines and feeling distracted, unfocused or unproductive. Don’t worry – there’s plenty of things you can do to fix that:

1. Stick to your routines
Whatever your routines are during your normal workdays, try to stick to them as closely as possible. Usually eat breakfast at 9:00? Eat breakfast at 9:00. Have a dress code at the office? Keep sticking by it. Usually go home by 17:00? Close your laptop at 17:00. Do your best to make it feel as though you’re still at work.

2. Get ready & dressed in the morning
Whether it’s fixing your hair, putting on makeup or however you usually get ready – do it. Even if you don’t have a specific dress code at work, put on real clothes, don’t just wear pajamas or sweats all day. The line between leisure time and working when you’re doing both from home can be quite blurry, so a way to separate them is by the way you dress and appear.
Groomed = office time
Ungroomed = free time

3. Don’t work from bed
We know it’s tempting; we’ve all done it once or twice. But we also all know it’s not great for productivity. Try to find a spot to work from that most resembles your office set up, preferably a desk or your dining table where you can sit up straight in a proper chair. If you still really want that comfy bed feel, opt for the couch. 

4. Take breaks
You take breaks at the office, right? So why shouldn’t you while working from home? It’s as simple as that. 

5. Work during work hours
Again, routines are so important. Start when you usually start and stop when you’d normally go home. Don’t over- nor underwork yourself just because you can. 

6. Go for a walk
Usually you’d need to leave your house to get to your office, but when you’re working from home, you’re already at your workspace. Transporting yourself to and from work involves at least a bit of being outside, something you don’t get when you work from home. Don’t forget to go outside and get some fresh air – it’ll make you feel better. 

7. Socialize with colleagues
Just because you aren’t in the same room or building as them doesn’t mean you can’t still hang out. Chat about something unrelated to work or have a beer over FaceTime or Google Hangouts at the end of the day.

In an ideal world, you’d do all of the above. But it can be hard and frustrating, especially when working from home isn’t your own choice at the moment. Just do your best and make the best out of the situation! At least we’re all in the same boat.

And don’t forget to wash your hands 💙

For more information, contact:
Bianca Rior, Content Editor, Flowbox



