Why ads on TikTok are more powerful than on any other social media platform

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As TikTok continues to reign over the social media climate, it’s no surprise that their ads are the most powerful on the market. In short, the key to success for advertising on this social media platform is essentially relevant user generated content (UGC).

TikTok was launched in 2016, but the social video app truly took the world by storm in 2020 (perhaps partly due to the boredom that came with the pandemic), and hasn’t stopped growing since. In case you’ve been accidentally living under a rock and aren’t familiar with TikTok, check out these two articles first:

The algorithm
The very first matter that needs to be addressed is the core aspect of TikTok’s massive success, namely the algorithm. What makes TikTok unique (and so addictive) is the literally never-ending feed of individually tailored content from millions of creators, called the For You page. Behind the For You page is an extremely powerful algorithm that learns and adapts to behavior incredibly quickly; with every swipe and click a user does, TikTok learns more about who they are and what they like, continuously updating and personalizing the content shown to them. Inevitably, this makes people less prone to leave the app, which, ultimately, is the goal. Users don’t need to answer any questions about what they like or want to see, TikTok figures it out on its own, and it does an almost alarmingly good job at it. 

In another (successful, might we add) attempt to make users prolong their stay in-app, the content on this giant, once dance-focused, platform is hyper relevant. Hyper relevance is the future of personalization, as the content evolves along with the needs and habits of the users. If we break it down to actual repercussions, this has two main implications in the app. One – new trends both pop up and disappear faster than you can blink, and two – specific content is shown to those who will most likely appreciate it. If done right, TikTok content reaches their target audience better than anywhere else, which can be especially beneficial for brands. 

Engagement is extremely high on TikTok; according to Influence4You, the average TikTok engagement rate is 15.86%, while on Instagram, it’s a mere 2.26%, and part of this is plausibly due to hyper relevance. If a video is only presented to those who will presumably enjoy it, there will be a smaller amount of uninterested and dismissive people there in the first place, meaning that a higher percentage will interact with it by default. 

There are several contributing factors to the high engagement rate on TikTok. Alongside hyper relevance is the fact that users move on very quickly between videos, and the fact that the creators are almost always strangers to the viewers, which makes the social stakes of a like or comment less impactful than on other platforms. With every swipe to the next video a user makes, there is a risk they might never encounter that same creator again, which means that people often feel more inclined to leave a comment than if it were someone they know. Additionally, because TikTok users are exposed to so many different creators, more or less none of which they follow, in very short sessions, if a user wants a way back to a certain video, they need to like, save or share it since there are no guarantees of finding it again otherwise. This also entices engagement. 

Obviously, there are many more factors and there isn’t one thing that we can point to and say “that makes people engage on the platform”. All of the following have probably contributed: 

  • The content is extremely varied – both in quality, length, style, theme and more. There’s something for everyone. And whatever the category, it’s almost always intended as entertainment.
  • Most profiles are public, meaning the content is intended to be shared with strangers. 
  • It’s all video – no static photos. 
  • TikTok has thousands, if not millions, of niche content creators who use their platforms to share interests, thoughts, tips and more, thereby creating tight-knit communities. 
  • The app is extremely user-friendly – you don’t even need an account to start scrolling. You’ll want one quickly though, so that you can like and save videos. 

The ads
For a long time, there were no ads on TikTok, which probably contributed to part of the initial hype. An endless supply of short-form video content that you’re pretty much guaranteed to like (thanks to the algorithm), without ads? Yes, please. 

It’s no secret that social media users enjoy organic content more than branded content. Nevertheless, TikTok users don’t seem to mind advertising as much as users on other platforms do. In a study from July 2021, neuroanalytics and marketing company Neuro-Insights claimed that TikTok’s users are more receptive to brand messages, calls to action and ad breakthrough in comparison to other social media platforms. 

One of the main reasons why ads on TikTok are more profitable compared to all other social media platforms, is because they blend in with the organic content. Not because brands are trying to hide the fact that it’s an ad to fool the viewers, but because brands on TikTok have understood what people want, and are giving them just that – their usual TikTok content, but transparently based around or featuring their specific product. Often, the ads are just as entertaining as organic content, so it doesn’t matter that it’s an ad, because people want to watch it anyway. 

User generated content
We’ve said this a million times, but we will never stop repeating it: user generated content is the future of ecommerce and social advertising. Frankly, traditional content just can’t compete anymore – especially when it comes to ads. Organic, authentic content provided by a brand’s customers rather than the brand itself is proven to generate more engagement (as well as other KPIs).

Whether it’s branded influencer content or ads featuring UGC, using real people is the key. And not just any real people, but the people who know, love and want to advocate for your products. And that’s exactly what we at Flowbox help brands accomplish. If you’re interested in learning more about how user generated content can help your brand grow, our team of industry experts are more than willing to let you in on all the secrets. Click here to book a demo with Flowbox today and get started with UGC.

More information:
Bianca Rior, Digital Marketing Specialist, Flowbox



