
“We built our business from a vision, with dedication and perseverance. It was difficult back then and in today’s credit environment it would be impossible for young people to start a business on their own,”
Frank Crail
“I believe that young people need an opportunity to make it in the business world. I knew that RMCF had the culture to help me develop a platform that would build strong work ethics and practices in these aspiring entrepreneurs before negative influences and inexperience could corrupt them,” says Craig. “In this economy, it’s important to foster entrepreneurs who are willing to create jobs. The educational program isn’t just about academics; it gives them life experience. It tests their tenacity, and teaches them that hard work is necessary in order to achieve results.”
Steve Craig
“I like to measure our success at RMCF with a ‘double bottom line’ -- we focus on a strong financial standing but we also believe in contributing to the local communities and economy at large through job creation, minority opportunities and just doing good,”
Frank Crail
“Every aspect of the program is engineered to create a successful business outcome,” says Carol Roever, Interim Dean of the Craig School of Business. “Faculty mentors and advisors, along with the RMCF corporate team, are there to follow them through the business process and achieve success as a retail franchisee. This applied learning experience is a reflection of our statewide mission and a unique opportunity for our students.”
Carol Roever
From the classroom to the competition to the franchise ownership, students benefit from a program that can jump-start their career. The program integrates real world experience with academia for applied learning in a retail setting with the support of a top retailer and inspiring business entrepreneur, Steve Craig.”
Dr. Bob Vartabedian