Gjensidige Forsikring Capital Markets Day 2021: Sustainable value creation

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Gjensidige Forsikring hosts its virtual Capital Markets Day today at 09:00 CET. Presentations will be held by Helge Leiro Baastad, Chief Executive Officer of Gjensidige, and key members of the Group executive management team. The presentations will provide a review of the Group’s strategy and goals, as well as operational priorities and the Group’s strong capabilities.

"Gjensidige continues to aspire to deliver the best customer experiences also tomorrow. And we remain firmly committed to create sustainable value for our stakeholders. We look forward to presenting our ambitious goals for the next 4 years and discussing our operational and strategic priorities. To succeed, we will continue to grow.  This, together with our focus on operational efficiency, will enable Gjensidige to continue delivering attractive returns" says Leiro Baastad.

Ambitious financial targets and sustainability goals

Gjensidige has raised the bar further, with an ambitious set of annual Group financial targets for 2022 to 2025:

  • Combined ratio < 85 per cent
  • Cost ratio < 14 per cent
  • Return on equity after tax > 19 per cent
  • Solvency margin ratio between 150 and 200 per cent

Gjensidige’s attractive dividend policy remains unchanged.

The Group's revised operational targets, which will support delivery on the financial targets, will be announced.

Gjensidige has set goals for the Group’s contribution to overall sustainability, with focus on safer society, sustainable claims handling and responsible investments:

  • 80 per cent of relevant premiums fulfilling the EU taxonomy requirements by 2025
  • 35 per cent reduction in CO2e emissions from claims handling processes by 2025
  • Zero net emissions from investments by 2050 

The presentations will last approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes and will be followed by a Q&A session.


  • Welcome by Mitra H. Negård, Head of IR
  • Sustainable value creation by Helge L. Baastad, CEO
  • Market leadership and beyond by René Fløystøl, EVP Private
  • The leading commercial underwriter by Lars Gøran Bjerklund, EVP Commercial
  • Fit for future by Mats Gottschalk, EVP Denmark
  • An aspiring challenger by Aysegül Cin, EVP Sweden and the Baltics
  • Capitalising on attractive market growth by Aysegül Cin, EVP Sweden and the Baltics
  • Delivering attractive returns by Jostein Amdal, CFO
  • Q&A session

The video webcast, presentation material and link to ask questions are available at www.gjensidige.no/ir. The presentation material is also attached to this release.

This release contains alternative performance measures (APMs). APMs are described at www.gjensidige.no/reporting in a document named APMs Gjensidige Forsikring Group Q3 2021.

Contact persons, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:

Head of Investor Relations Mitra Hagen Negård. Tel: 47 957 93 631

Head of Communication Øystein Thoresen. Tel: 47 952 33 382

Gjensidige is a leading Nordic insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We have about 3,700 employees and offer insurance products in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic states. In Norway, we also offer pension and savings. The Group's operating income was NOK 28 billion in 2020, while total assets were NOK 118 billion.