Resolved to convert to a public limited company (ASA)

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The annual general meeting of Gjensidige Forsikring BA has passed a resolution to convert the Company to a public limited company.

 Starting at the time of the conversion, the shares will all be owned by the Gjensidige Foundation. In the event of a future stock-exchange listing of Gjensidige Forsikring, the foundation will sell between 25 and 40 per cent of the shares on the market. This will probably take place in the 2nd half of 2010, provided that the situation in the stock market is satisfactory.
The implementation of the conversion is contingent upon approval from the authorities, and the Gjensidige Foundation must also gain approval to convert to a financial foundation. It is expected that this approval from the authorities will be granted by the end of June.

Information director Øystein Thoresen Tlf: 47 952 33 382
