A Grandfather's Mission to Make a Difference for Children Battling Cancer
On Thursday September 25th hundreds of students from around the NYC area will be gathering outside the Today Show to show their support for pediatric cancer and Go4theGoal's National Pediatric Cancer Awareness Day. Traveling as part of this delegation is Sam Rosen, a grandfather flying in from Florida who is tirelessly working to make a difference for kids battling cancer, like his grandson Kevin.
"I often find that grandparents are in a position unlike anyone else affected by pediatric cancer. They not only watch their grandchild suffer, but also their child suffer,” said Beth Stefanacci, Go4theGoal’s Executive Director. “Sam has made it his mission to make a difference for not only his grandson, but also everyone else's grandchild that is battling cancer!"
“In January of this year at the age of 16, my grandson, Kevin Schatz, was diagnosed with cancer. This was devastating news to my wife, Edith, and me. In April at a national educational meeting, I was introduced to Go4theGoal,” said Sam Rosen. “Since I have had the privilege of working with private and parochial schools for over 40 years now, I made a commitment to help them reach the schools they needed to further their student-based initiatives, in particular National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day®.”
This will be the 4th year in a row that Go4theGoal will be visiting the Today Show. Our hopes are to not only create awareness for the cause but also to show the community what is needed to support a family with a child diagnosed with cancer. Students from schools in NYC who heard about Kevin's battle along with Sam's drive to make change are showing up to support them.
Contact: Carina Trenka
(856) 701-3877
About Go4theGoal Foundation:
Go4theGoal Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 by Dr. Richard and Beth Stefanacci, soon after their oldest child was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. 2012 and 2013 were very exciting years at Go4theGoal Foundation, whose two national campaigns, National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day® and Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer®, gave hundreds of schools, businesses and sports teams an opportunity to raise awareness and much needed support for patients in their communities and earned Go4theGoal the honor of “Top Rated Non-Profit of 2012, 2013, & 2014” by Great Nonprofits. Go4theGoal provides children undergoing cancer treatment and their families with financial assistance, runs fun hospital-based programs, grants special wishes and supplies state-of-the-art electronic products to children and pediatric oncology units in over 80 hospitals across the country. Since 2007, G4G has funded nearly $1,000,000.00 in innovative pediatric cancer research. Go4theGoal.org