Sacred Heart University to LaceUp 4 Pediatric Cancer w/ Go4theGoal Foundation & wear GOLD shoelaces on 9/28
Event: Sacred Heart University will host women’s soccer match vs. Wagner College for Pediatric Cancer Awareness
When: Friday September 28, 2012 at 7:00 PM
Where: Sacred Heart University’s Campus Field
SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 – Merchantville, NJ: Go4theGoal Foundation is pleased to announce the participation of the Sacred Heart University Women’s Soccer Team in its “Lace-Up 4 Pediatric Cancer” fundraising and awareness campaign. Pioneer players will don Go4theGoal’s signature GOLD shoelaces during their game on Friday September 28th at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart’s Campus Field in Fairfield, Connecticut.
“Our Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer campaign has helped to increase visibility for children who are bravely battling cancer," said Beth Stefanacci, Go4theGoal's Executive Director.
“What started as a simple idea by a member of our family, Lace Up quickly became a staple of Go4theGoal’s fundraising efforts, helping us continue our mission of providing support and resources to children affected by cancer, their families, hospitals and researchers so they can grow up to lead healthy, happy lives," added Stefanacci.
For the ever-growing list of Colleges and Universities who have signed up to hold Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer games and fundraisers this Fall, click here.
G4G gold laces are available for purchase at Shop G4G on the Go4theGoal web site by clicking here.
Go4theGoal Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 by Dr. Richard and Beth Stefanacci, soon after their oldest child was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Together with funds raised privately and it’s many unique awareness and fundraising campaigns, including National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day®, Lace-Up 4 Pediatric Cancer® and Richard’s Run® 5K runs, Go4theGoal provides children undergoing cancer treatment and their families with financial assistance, runs fun hospital-based programs, grants special wishes and supplies state-of-the-art electronic products to children and pediatric oncology units in over 40 hospitals across the country. Since 2007, G4G has funded over $500,000 in innovative pediatric cancer research.
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