Greenfood has published its annual report and sustainability report for 2021

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During 2021, Greenfood strengthened its position as a leader in healthy and sustainable food. The year was marked by a strong recovery after the corona pandemic, a stable result and a strong balance sheet. But it was also a year of important investments in digitization and sustainability, such as Greenfood Greenhouse, one of northern Europe's largest centres for sustainable and healthy food, and the new digital platform, Arcorder, that uses AI to create more precise orders, reducing food waste.

Greenfood's consolidated annual report and separate sustainability report for 2021 have been published and are now available on the Group's website. In 2021, Greenfood utilized the strength of its core business and built for the future, both through strategic consolidations, new investments and acquisitions, as well as through new customer collaborations and its introduction onto the US market.

Greenfood also significantly raised its climate ambitions and strengthened its leading position in sustainability. This was done through extensive investments in a more sustainable, climate-smarter and more resource-efficient business, and by continuing to invest in an attractive range of healthy and sustainable food.

“Despite exceptional circumstances as a result of the pandemic, in 2021 we have managed to reach several important milestones through fast-paced innovation and a continued strong focus on sustainability, digitalization and product development. The investments will benefit us enormously during our continued growth journey,” said David von Laskowski, President and CEO of the Greenfood Group.

2021 also meant continued international expansion. With Greenfood's food tech company, Picadeli, the group has succeeded in creating a scalable business model with continued great growth potential. Greenfood can cost-effectively expand into new countries, which was proven once again in 2021 when Picadeli crossed the Atlantic and introduced the concept to the US market.

A summary of 2021

• Greenfood Greenhouse
In May, the foundations were laid for the 44,000 square metre Greenfood Greenhouse in Helsingborg, one of northern Europe's largest ecosystems for sustainable and healthy food. The facility is absolutely cutting edge in terms of energy and environmental efficiency.

• Science based targets initiative
Greenfood joined SBTi with a commitment to set climate goals in line with science-based recommendations to achieve the goal of 1.5 degrees global warming.

• Sustainability-linked bond
In November 2021, Greenfood successfully issued a four-year sustainability-linked bond for just over SEK 1 billion. The bond is linked to our goals within a sustainability framework, and has received the highest possible rating in an independent review.

• Picadeli introduced healthy fast food to the United States
Picadeli crossed the Atlantic with its popular salad bar concept, thus establishing Greenfood on a new continent.

• Investment in plant-based foods
During the year, Greenfood continued its investment in plant-based foods and alternative protein sources. In addition, Picadeli has phased out all red meat from its salad bars.

• Strengthened premium range
Greenfood acquired 100 percent ownership of the fruit and vegetable specialist, Lundgren’s, which is famous for its huge range of premium fruits, vegetables and processed raw ingredients.

Read more in Greenfood's annual report, and in the Group's sustainability report, which are both available on Greenfood's website.

For further information, contact:
Mattias Engberg, CFO, Greenfood AB

This information from Greenfood is provided is in accordance with the obligations required by the Swedish Securities Market Act. This press release was submitted for publication on April 28, 2022, at 08:30 CET.
