H. Lundbeck A/S, Articles of association

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1.1	The name of the Company is H. Lundbeck A/S. The Company also carries on
business under the secondary name Kefalas A/S (H. Lundbeck A/S). 
1.2	The registered office of the Company is in the municipality of Copenhagen.
2.1	The objects for which the Company is established are to carry on business
within the fields of research in and manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals,
chemicals and the like, and to undertake, perform and carry on all such other
things as the Supervisory Board deems incidental, conducive or ancillary to the
attainment of such objects. 
3.1	The Company's share capital shall be DKK 984,431,410. The share capital
shall be di-vided into shares of DKK 5 each or multiples hereof. 
3.2	The shares shall be registered shares and shall be entered into the
Company's Register of Shareholders. The Company's Register of Shareholders
shall be kept by Aktiebog Danmark A/S, Kongevejen 165, 2840 Holte, Denmark,
which has been appointed keeper of the Register of Shareholders on behalf of
the Company. 
3.3	The shares shall be negotiable instruments and no restrictions shall apply
to the nego-tiability of the shares. No shares shall carry special rights. 
3.4	When listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (Københavns Fondsbørs A/S) the
shares shall be issued as non-certificated shares (dematerialised securities)
through the Danish Securities Centre (Værdipapircentralen). All rights
pertaining to the shares shall be filed with the Danish Securities Centre
according to applicable rules hereon. 
4.1	Until 30 March 2009, the Supervisory Board shall be authorised to increase
the Com-pany's share capital one or more times by up to DKK 40,000,000. In the
event of an in-crease of the share capital at market price, including as
consideration for the Com-pany's acquisition of an existing business or other
assets, the Supervisory Board shall be entitled to decide that the capital
increase shall take place without pre-emptive sub-scription rights for the
Company's existing shareholders. The Supervisory Board shall also be entitled
to decide that the entire increase or part thereof shall be effected in other
ways than by cash payment. 
4.2	In addition to the authorisation granted to the Supervisory Board in
Article 4.1, the Su-pervisory Board is until 30 March 2009 authorised, without
pre-emptive subscription rights for the existing shareholders, to increase the
share capital by up to DKK 4,293,575 in one or more issues in connection with
the issue of new shares to employ-ees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries.
The new shares shall be issued at a sub-scription price determined by the
Supervisory Board and may be lower than the market price. 
4.3	In addition to the authorisations mentioned in articles 4.1 - 4.2 above the
Supervisory Board shall be authorised until 14 April 2010, without preemptive
subscription rights for the existing shareholders, in one or more issues, to
issue warrants granting a right to subscribe for up to nominally DKK 25,000,000
shares in the Company in connection with issue of new shares in favour of the
management, executives and other employees of the Company and/or its
subsidiaries as set out in more detail by the Supervisory Board. The warrants
shall give a right to subscribe for shares in the Company at a price to be
fixed by the Supervisory Board; such price may be lower than the market price.
Furthermore, the Supervisory Board shall fix the terms of the warrants issued
in accor-dance with the authorisation. 
4.4	In addition to the authorisations referred to in articles 4.1 to 4.3, the
Supervisory Board is authorised until 21 April 2013 without preemptive
subscription rights for the existing shareholders, in one or more issues, to
issue warrants granting a right to subscribe for up to nominally DKK 25,000,000
shares in the company in connection with issue of new shares in favour of
Executive Management, executives and other employees of the company and/or its
subsidiaries as set out in more detail by the Supervisory Board. The warrants
shall give a right to subscribe for shares in the Company at a price to be
fixed by the Supervisory Board; such price may be lower than the market price.
Furthermore, the Supervisory Board shall fix the terms of the warrants issued
in accordance with the authorisation. 
4.5	New shares issued pursuant to Articles 4.1 - 4.4 shall be negotiable
instruments and shall be issued in the holder's name and shall be registered on
name in the Register of Shareholders and for future increases of the share
capital the same pre-emptive sub-scription rights shall apply as for the
existing shares. Furthermore, the provisions on shares contained in these
Articles of Association shall apply. 
	The new shares shall carry a right of dividend and other rights with the
Company from such time to be determined by the Supervisory Board, however, not
later than 12 months after the registration of the capital increase. 
4.6	The Supervisory Board shall be authorised to set out detailed terms and
conditions for capital increases under the above authorisations. Furthermore,
the Supervisory Board shall be authorised to amend the Company's Articles of
Association to the extent re-quired as a consequence of the Supervisory Board
exercising the above authorisations. 
4.7	On 9 December 2003, the Supervisory Board issued warrants of up to
nominally DKK 13,500,000 without charge to the Board of Management, managerial
employees and other employees with the Company without pre-emptive subscription
rights for the Company's existing shareholders and approved the corresponding
share capital in-crease. The terms of issue of warrants and the relating share
capital increase appear from Appendix 1 to the Articles of Association. The
decisions were made according to authorisation from the General Meeting
pursuant to s. 40 b and s. 37 of the Danish Public Companies Act. 
4.8	At the board meeting on 17 August 2005 the Supervisory Board resolved to
issue war-rants in the nominal value of up to DKK 4,000,000 in accordance with
section 4.3 of the Articles of Association. At the same time the Supervisory
Board adopted a resolution regarding the corresponding share capital increase.
The terms of the issue of the war-rants appear from Appendix 2 to the Articles
of Association. 
4.9	At the board meeting on 11 June 2007 the Supervisory Board resolved to
issue war-rants in the nominal value of up to DKK 5,000,000 in accordance with
section 4.3 of the Articles of Association. At the same time the Supervisory
Board adopted a resolution regarding the corresponding share capital increase.
The terms of the issue of the war-rants appear from Appendix 3 to the Articles
of Association. 
4.10	At the board meeting on 22 April 2008 the Supervisory Board resolved to
issue war-rants in the nominal value of up to DKK 2,500,000 in accordance with
section 4.3 of the Articles of Association. At the same time the Supervisory
Board adopted a resolution regarding the corresponding share capital increase.
Terms of the issue of the warrants, as decided by the Supervisory Board on the
said board meeting, appear from Appendix 4 to the Articles of Association. 
4.11	At the board meeting on 6 May 2008 the Supervisory Board resolved to issue
warrants in the nominal value of up to DKK 750,000 in accordance with section
4.4 of the Articles of Association. At the same time the Supervisory Board
adopted a resolution regarding the corresponding share capital increase. The
terms of the issue of the warrants appear from Appendix 5 to the Articles of
5.1	The Company shall be managed by a Supervisory Board of 4 - 6 members
appointed by the General Meeting. The Board Members shall be appointed for a
period of one year. Re-election shall be possible. However, no member shall be
entitled to be a member of the Supervisory Board after the Annual General
Meeting in the calendar year in which the Board Member turns 70 years. Apart
from the members appointed by the General Meeting, the employees of H. Lundbeck
A/S and of the Company's subsidiaries shall ap-point a certain number of
members for the Supervisory Board pursuant to the applica-ble terms according
to the Danish Public Companies Act. 
5.2	The Supervisory Board shall appoint one of their number to the office of
Chairman of the Board and one of their number to the office of Vice-Chairman.
The Supervisory Board shall pass its resolutions by a simple majority of votes.
In case of equality of votes, the Chairman, and in his absence the
Vice-Chairman, shall have a casting vote. 
5.3	The Members of the Supervisory Board shall regulate its proceedings as they
see fit. 
5.4	Minutes of all proceedings at meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be
entered in a minute book and shall be signed by all Board Members in
5.5	The Supervisory Board shall engage a Board of Management consisting of 2 -
6 mem-bers to undertake the day-to-day management of the Company. 
5.6	Guidelines have been adopted for incentive pay for the members of Executive
Manage-ment. See section 69 b (2) of the Danish Public Companies Act. The
guidelines are available on the corporate website. 
6.1	The Company shall be legally bound by the joint signatures of four members
of the Su-pervisory Board, by the joint signatures of two members of the Board
of Management or by the joint signatures of one member of the Supervisory Board
and one member of the Board of Management. 
7.1	The Company's General Meetings shall take place in the Metropolitan Region
(Region Hovedstaden). General Meetings shall be convened by the Supervisory
Board giving at least eight days' notice and maximum four weeks' notice by
announcement in one or more national Danish newspapers at the discretion of the
Supervisory Board and by or-dinary letter to all shareholders registered in the
Register of Shareholders who have re-quested to be notified in this manner. The
Supervisory Board may in addition choose to announce the notice of the General
Meeting in foreign newspapers or magazines dis-tributed internationally. The
notice shall contain the agenda for the meeting and state the main contents of
any proposals to amend the Articles of Association. However, if the proposal
requires a decision on amendment of the Articles of Association pursuant to s.
79(1) or (2) of the Danish Public Companies Act, the notice shall contain the
full wording of the proposal and the notice shall be sent to all registered
7.2	The Annual General Meeting shall take place once a year before the end of
the month of April. Any shareholder shall be entitled to have a specific
subject dealt with at the Gen-eral Meetings, provided that he has submitted his
request relating thereto to the Super-visory Board early enough to enable the
Supervisory Board to include the subject in the agenda of the General Meeting
of shareholders. 
7.3	Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened within two weeks after
receipt by the registered office of the Company of a requisition to transact
any particular business submitted by shareholders who, combined, represent one
tenth of the share capital. 
7.4	No later than eight days prior to any General Meeting, the agenda
accompanied by the full and complete resolutions to be proposed at the General
Meeting of the Company - and, in respect of the Annual General Meeting, the
annual report duly signed and en-dorsed - shall be made available for
inspection by the shareholders at the registered of-fice of the Company. 
8.1	The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Company shall include the
a)	Report from the Supervisory Board on the activities of the Company during
the previous year. 
b)	Presentation of the annual report for approval and discharging the
Supervisory Board and the Board of Management from liability. 
c)	Resolution on distribution of profits or covering of loss according to the
approved annual accounts. 
d)	Election of members of the Supervisory Board.
e)	Election of one or two state authorised public accountants.
f)	Proposals, if any, from the shareholders and from the Supervisory Board.
g)	Any other business.
9.1	The General Meeting shall be lead by a chairman appointed by the
Supervisory Board. The Chairman shall decide on all questions relating to the
handling of the matters and voting procedure and the result thereof. 
9.2	All resolutions taken by the General Meeting shall be made by way of simple
majority unless otherwise stated in these Articles of Association or pursuant
to the Danish Public Companies Act in relation to representation and majority. 
10.1	Any shareholder shall be entitled to participate in the Company's General
Meetings pro-vided that the shareholder has obtained an admission card from the
Company's offices against proper identification no later than five calendar
days prior to the General Meet-ing. Admission cards shall be handed out to
shareholders registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders or against
presentation of a statement of account no more than eight days old from the
Danish Securities Centre or from the account holding insti-tution as
documentation of the holding of shares. The statement of account shall be
ac-companied by a declaration in writing by the shareholder that the shares
have not and will not be transferred to others until the General Meeting has
been held. 
10.2	The shareholder may appear personally or by agent and may appear together
with an adviser. Voting rights may be exercised pursuant to a proxy if the
agent in return for the proxy has received an admission card entitling the
agent to appear on behalf of the principal. The agent shall present a written
and dated proxy valid for no more than one year. However, a proxy issued to the
Supervisory Board of the Company shall only be valid for a specific General
Meeting for which the agenda is known in advance. 
10.3	The Company's General Meetings shall be open to representatives of the
press if these have obtained admission cards against presentation of their
press cards. 
10.4	Shareholders registered in the Register of Shareholders or having given
notice and proof of his acquisition shall be entitled to vote at the General
Meetings. However, for shares acquired by transfer the voting right shall
further be subject to the shareholder having been entered in the Register of
Shareholders no later than at the time of the convening of the General Meeting
in question or to the shareholder having given notice and proof of his
10.5	Each nominal share amount of DKK 5 shall carry one vote.
11.1	A summary of the General Meeting shall be entered in a Minute Book
authorised by the Supervisory Board and shall be signed by the Chairman and the
Board Members in at-tendance. 
12.1	Distribution of the Company's means as dividend shall be based on the
latest annual report approved by the General Meeting. 
12.2	Payment of dividend shall be effected by way of transfer to the accounts
specified by the shareholders pursuant to applicable rules for the Danish
Securities Centre. 
12.3	Dividend which has not been withdrawn prior to five years after the day
when payment became due, shall be deemed to become the property of the Company. 
13.1	The Company's annual report shall be audited by one or two state
authorised public ac-countants elected by the General Meeting. 
14.1	The Company's accounting year shall be the calendar year.
14.2	The annual report shall be presented in a clear and readily-understandable
way in ac-cordance with statutory provisions and shall present a true and fair
view of the Com-pany's assets and liabilities, its financial position and
results of its operations. 
15.1	The Company's Articles of Association and latest approved annual report
shall be avail-able to the public and copies thereof may be obtained from the
Company's offices upon request. 

As amended at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2008, on 22
April 2008 after the general meeting resulting from the Supervisory Board's
decision to issue warrants and amended by the Supervisory Board resulting from
the Supervisory Board's decision on 6 May 2008 to issue warrants, and amended
on 31 July 2008 in connection with a share capital decrease. 
31 July 2008
Jørgen Boe, attorney-at-law