Lundbeck initiates phase III clinical trials with nalmefene as a new method of treatment of alcohol dependence

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Release No 360
15 December 2008                                                                     

Lundbeck initiates phase III clinical trials with nalmefene as a new method of  
treatment of alcohol dependence                                                 

H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck) is continuing the development of nalmefene for the   
treatment of alcohol dependence as scheduled, initiating three phase III        
clinical trials with the compound.                                              

Nalmefene builds on a novel principle of treating alcohol dependence. Unlike    
existing therapies, the treatment with nalmefene is not aimed at keeping the    
patients from drinking. Nalmefene instead removes the desire to drink more,     
thereby controlling and limiting the intake of alcohol. In addition, nalmefene  
distinguishes itself by being available as a tablet formulation to be taken only
according to need, whereas existing pharmaceuticals must be taken continuously  
over a longer period of time.                                                   

A previous study documented nalmefene's ability to significantly limit both the 
patient's average alcohol intake and the number of days with an intake above    
five units of alcohol. This means a sharp reduction in patients' risk of        
developing diseases such as various cancers, cardiovascular diseases and        
cirrhosis of the liver. Previous trials have also shown nalmefene to be         
well-tolerated and safe.                                                        

Based on the earlier trials, Lundbeck is now launching three phase III trials   
enrolling more than 1,800 patients randomised into groups receiving nalmefene   
and placebo respectively. The first two trials, in which patients are treated   
over a period of six months, primarily aim to demonstrate the efficacy of       
nalmefene, whilst the objective of the last study, in which patients are treated
for 12 months, is particularly to confirm that the compound is well-tolerated.  
The first data from the trials are expected in the first half of 2011.          

“Nalmefene offers a rare opportunity for us to provide a new and more effective 
treatment of alcohol dependence, which causes major harm to millions of people  
worldwide,” says Executive Vice President Anders Gersel Pedersen, Head of Drug  
Development at Lundbeck.                                                        

About nalmefene                                                                 
Nalmefene is a so-called opioid receptor antagonist. The compound acts by       
blocking the mechanism in the brain that can cause a continuing and uncontrolled
intake of alcohol. This helps to control and limit the intake.                  

Nalmefene was originally developed by BioTie Therapies Corp. of Finland.        
Lundbeck holds the global rights to the compound with the exception of North    
America, Mexico, Turkey and South Korea.                                        

About alcohol dependence                                                        
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 76 million people  
worldwide suffer from alcohol abuse. An estimated 3-5% of Europe's population   
are believed to be alcoholics. In Denmark, it is estimated that 860,000 persons 
drink more than the maximum intake recommended by the National Board of Health. 
Of these, at least 200,000 are believed to be actual alcoholics.                

Excessive consumption of alcohol, which increases the risk of developing a      
number of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral atrophy,   
ulcer and cirrhosis of the liver, is a common problem in many parts of the      
world. One in ten deaths in the Western world is alcohol-related.               

Alcohol is poison for most body organs, which can be harmed by the intake of    
alcohol. According to WHO, the intake of alcohol involves an increased risk of  
contracting more than 60 different diseases and damage. The extent of the damage
depends on how much and for how long a period a person drinks alcohol. The risk 
of bringing on such damage differs from one person to the next, and some may    
suffer organ damage even though they would say that they never had an alcohol   

The content of this release will have no influence on the Lundbeck Group's      
financial result for 2008.                                                      

Lundbeck contacts                                                               

| Investors:                                      | Media:                     |
| Jacob Tolstrup                                  | Jens Harder Højbjerg       |
| Director                                        | Media Relations Manager    |
| +45 36 43 30 79                                 | +45 36 43 28 33            |
| Palle Holm Olesen                               |                            |
| Head of Investor Relations                      |                            |
| +45 36 43 24 26                                 |                            |

Release No 360 - 15 December 2008                                               

About Lundbeck                                                                  
H. Lundbeck A/S is an international pharmaceutical company engaged in the       
research and development, production, marketing and sale of pharmaceuticals for 
the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. In 2007, the company's 
revenue was DKK 11 billion (approximately EUR 1.5 billion or USD 2.0 billion).  
The number of employees is approx. 5,300 globally. For more information, please 
