H+H International A/S - Business transacted at extraord. general meeting and first meeting of the Board of Directors

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Company Announcement No. 303, 2014

Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014-11-04 09:38 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 3, 3rd Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00
Company reg. no. 49 61 98 12


Business transacted at extraordinary general meeting and first meeting of the Board of Directors

On Tuesday 4 November 2014 at 9:00 am CET, an extraordinary general meeting of H+H International A/S was held in accordance with the agenda in the notice of 10 October 2014 convening the general meeting.

In the order listed below, the following resolutions were adopted by the general meeting:

  • Reduction of the company’s share capital by a nominal amount of DKK 392,400,000 at par for allocation to a special fund, implemented as a relative reduction to the effect that the share capital is reduced from DKK 490,500,000 to DKK 98,100,000. At the same time, the denomination of the shares will be changed from a nominal amount of DKK 50 to a nominal amount of DKK 10 or multiples thereof (issued in shares of DKK 10). After expiry of the statutory notice and at the implementation of the share capital reduction, the articles 2.1, 2.2 and 11.1 of the Articles of Association will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Authorisation to the Board of Directors during the period until 3 November 2019 to resolve on the increase of the company's share capital by a nominal amount of up to DKK 9,800,190, equal to 9.99% of the company's share capital after implementation of the prior resolution of a share capital reduction, and adoption of a new provision in article 2.4 of the Articles of Association to this effect.
  • Election of Søren Østergaard Sørensen as a new member of the Board of Directors. In parallel, Asbjørn Berge resigned from the Board of Directors.
  • Authorisation to the chairman of the general meeting to register the resolutions adopted by the general meeting to the Danish Business Authority.

Immediately after the general meeting, the Board of Directors re-elected Kent Arentoft as Chairman of the Board of Directors.


Kent Arentoft
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Michael T Andersen


For additional information please contact:
Michael T Andersen, CEO, or Niels Eldrup Meidahl, CFO, on telephone +45 35 27 02 00.

This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish text will take precedence.




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