Recapitalisation of H+H International A/S

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Company Announcement No. 193, 2009

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00

21 September 2009

Recapitalisation of H+H International A/S.

In continuation of Company Announcement No. 190 of 14 July 2009 on the decision
to initiate a process aimed at strengthening the capital base and Company
Announcement No. 192 of 26 August 2009 which reported on how the process was
progressing, it is hereby announced that agreement in principle has been
reached today on a recapitalisation of H+H International A/S funded by an

The investor is expected to inject DKK 400-500 million in cash into the H+H
Group, which, when converted, will correspond to a subscription price in the
DKK 100-120 range per share with a nominal value of DKK 100. The investor will
subsequently hold a significant majority in the H+H Group. The models for
completion of the recapitalisation, conditions and final agreement are still
being negotiated. 

Such a recapitalisation has the backing of the company's A shareholder, which
holds approx. 75% of the voting rights, and the company's primary lender, which
has indicated its willingness to maintain the company's financing on this

The Supervisory Board has considered it necessary for the company to receive an
injection of fresh capital as quickly as possible due to the sustained low
level of activity in the private housing construction sector in the H+H Group's
geographical markets and the company's high level of debt. The previously
announced outlook of a loss before tax of between DKK 160 million and DKK 190
million in the current year is reaffirmed, but now also a small loss before tax
for the subsequent financial year is expected. 

The Supervisory Board's decision has been made following a capital raising
process, with SEB Enskilda Corporate Finance as adviser, during which different
alternative forms of strengthening the capital base have been explored, and
during which the company has been in dialogue with potential industrial and
financial investors. 

An agreement with the investor is expected to be finalised soon, and the
Supervisory Board has agreed to refrain from negotiating with any competing
bidders during that period. 

In continuation of the conclusion of an agreement with the investor the
Supervisory Board will convene an extraordinary general meeting with more
detailed information about the recommended transaction model. 

Anders C. Karlsson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Hans Gormsen

For additional information please contact:
Anders C. Karlsson, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, on telephone +46 70 524
74 80 

This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of
inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish
text shall prevail. 


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