Hafslund - Sells Sarpsborg Avfallsenergi
Hafslund ASA has completed the transaction of Sarpsborg Avfallsenergi AS (SAE) to Sarpsborg Infrastructure AS, a company owned by Australian superannuation fund Prime Super Pty Limited, as trustee for Prime Super, and managed by Whitehelm Capital Pty Ltd (www.whitehelmcapital.com). SAE is a waste-to-energy facility in Sarpsborg, Østfold county, that supplies energy in the form of industrial steam to Borregaard, located inside the Borregard industrial area. The sale is conducted in line with Hafslund’s strategy to refocus its operations. Hafslund Heat's strategy is focused around further growth within district heating in the Oslo-area. The agreed enterprise value for SAE is about NOK 280 million on a debt- and cash-free basis. The transaction implies a gain for Hafslund of about NOK 20 million before transaction costs.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo, 25 July 2016
For further information, please contact:
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Heidi Ulmo,
Tel.: +47 909 19 325, E-mail: heidi.ulmo@hafslund.no
Head of Finance and Investor Relations, Martin S. Lundby:
Tel.: +47 416 14 448, E-mail: martin.lundby@hafslund.no