Handelsbanken: Green Bond Impact Report 2022

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Handelsbanken has published its Green Bond Impact Report for 2022. The report shows how the financing of projects that have been made possible through the bank's three green bonds are estimated to have contributed to reduced emissions of roughly 147,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents.

By issuing green bonds, the Bank supports the long-term development of sustainable solutions through the financing of green projects. Our overarching climate goal is to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases as soon as possible, and by 2040 at the latest. This applies to our business operations, for example lending, leasing and investments, but also the emissions deriving from our own operations such as energy consumption and business travel.

Handelsbanken sees green financing as one of several means of achieving the bank's climate goals and we also have a goal for sustainable financing. Issuing green bonds enables us to finance our customers' green and sustainable investments, reducing both emissions and risks associated with our lending and is part of our work to increase the proportion of our financing that is environmentally and socially sustainable. For example, it can be green lending to environmentally certified and energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy, sustainable transport solutions, sustainable forestry or other types of projects with the same purpose.

"The finance sector is in a unique position to incentivise the necessary transition and influence sustainable outcomes. Through our green and sustainable financing offer Handelsbanken hopes to redefine business as usual, lower climate risks for both our customers and the Bank as well as help support the transition to a more sustainable society and drive practices that serve both people and planet", says Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Chief Sustainability and Climate Officer.

More about Handelsbanken’s Green Bond Impact Report

  • During 2022, Handelsbanken’s green bonds contributed to the reduction or avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions, amounting just over 147,000 tonnes.
  • The Bank's green bond framework was updated in August 2022 and green assets in accordance with the framework increased to SEK 67.2 billion which means an increase of 295 percent. This strong increase in volume is essentially explained by the increase in lending to green buildings and the inclusion of green mortgages among the assets covered by the framework.
  • An assessment of the green assets has been made on a best effort basis against the EU's taxonomy. It shows that 83 per cent of the green assets are assessed as aligned or most likely aligned with the taxonomy.
  • The report has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers AB.

Read the full report here

For further information, please contact:
Handelsbanken Press Office +4687018018 press@handelsbanken.se

For more information about Handelsbanken, see www.handelsbanken.com


