Handelsbanken: Green Bond Impact Report 2023

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Handelsbanken has published our Green Bond Impact Report for 2023. The report contains information on the eligible green assets and the environmental impact achieved by Handelsbanken’s outstanding green bonds, including details on the green bonds we have issued and examples of the projects they finance.

Regardless of whether focusing on financing, savings and investments, or advisory services, the principle for Handelsbanken’s sustainability work is a long-term approach. This means Handelsbanken can provide effective and robust support for initiatives that benefit both people, environment and society in the long term and thereby secure a sustainable economy for generations to come. By issuing green bonds, the Bank supports the long-term development of sustainable solutions through the financing of green projects. Our overarching climate goal is to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases as soon as possible, and by 2040 at the latest. This applies to our business operations, for example lending, leasing and investments, but also the emissions deriving from our own operations such as energy consumption and business travel.

"To contribute to sustainable development and the transition to a low-carbon economy, we need to both reduce emissions and other sustainability risks in our overall lending business and scale up the financing of projects that provide environmental benefits. I am pleased to share the calculated impact associated with the investments in our green bonds in our sixth Green Bond Impact Report, as one of many parts of our efforts to address climate change", says Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Chief Sustainability Officer, Handelsbanken.

More about Handelsbanken’s Green Bond Impact Report

  • During 2023, Handelsbanken’s Green Bonds contributed to the reduction or avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions, amounting to slightly over 90,000 tonnes.
  • Green assets in accordance with Handelsbanken´s Green Bond Framework increased to SEK 89 billion which means an increase of 32 per cent.
  • An assessment of the green assets has been made on a best effort basis against the EU's taxonomy. It shows that 83 per cent of the green assets are assessed as aligned or most likely aligned with the taxonomy.
  • The report has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers AB.

Read the full report here. 


