Operating loss of SEK 148.0 M
The abbreviated fiscal year (May 2009 – December 2009) • Net sales amounted to SEK 916.8 M (1,012.2), down 9.4% compared with the preceding year. Sales in the Group’s comparable stores decreased by 9.2% (neg: 16.4). • Loss after tax amounted to SEK 121.3 M (profit: 23.0). A loss per share before dilution of SEK 3.04 (earnings: 0.78). • Operating cash flow after investments was positive SEK 37.8 M (pos: 35.2), up 7 % compared with the preceding year. • The operating result was charged with nonrecurring costs of SEK 109.7 M (13.0). Before these costs, an operating loss of SEK 38.3 M (profit: