New composition of the Board of Directors in Acta Holding ASA
As Alfred Ydstebø is appointed new CEO in Acta Holding ASA, and has therefore resigned from the Board of Directors in the company, the new Board of Directors has constituted itself as follows.
The composition of the Board of Directors is as of today:
1. Merete Haugli, Chairman
2. Stein Aukner, Vice Chairman
3. Ole Peter Lorentzen
4. Pia Gideon
5. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal
6. Erling Meinich-Bache
Contact information:
Merete Haugli, Chairman of the Board, Acta Holding ASA – phone +47 996 07 000
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act).