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Under an innovative framework agreement with Region Västra Götaland (VGR), HiQ will deliver expertise in the areas of business development and strategy, management and governance, system development and administration, and infrastructure. This is a three-year agreement with the option to extend and is worth a total of SEK 390 million.

“We are very proud and happy about this new agreement with VGR. These are areas in which HiQ has solid experience and competence and the acknowledgement that this framework agreement represents is a testament to that. We are looking forward to our future cooperation,” says Jerker Lindstén, Managing Director of HiQ Gothenburg.

The agreement will ensure that Region Västra Götaland’s need for IT consulting services combining experience and expertise is met.

“The public sector is a very exciting one. Here, as in the private sector, people are learning more about how to use IT to create new services that we can all benefit from in our everyday lives. Filing taxes on a mobile device is a brilliant example of how it’s possible to offer and simplify a service using IT. People are demanding more and Region Västra Götaland has a forward-looking approach that is exciting to witness, influence and be part of,” says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ.

About Region Västra Götaland

Region Västra Götaland is responsible for ensuring that good healthcare is available to all and that the necessary conditions exist so that everyone living in Västra Götaland can enjoy good health. Region Västra Götaland performs the same tasks as a county council and is responsible, for example, for operating hospitals and healthcare centres. Of the 50,000 employees about 90 percent work in healthcare. Region Västra Götaland’s other mission is to promote growth and sustainable development in Västra Götaland. This involves working in cooperation with businesses, organisations, municipalities, universities and government agencies etc.

For further information, please contact:  
Anna Jennehov, Head of Corporate Communications HiQ, +46 8 588 90 049, +46(0)70-4200 049
Jerker Lindstén, Managing Director HiQ Gothenburg, tel. +46 31 743 91 00
Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ, tel. +46 8 588 90 000

HiQ is an IT and management consultancy company focusing on high-tech solutions in the fields of communications, software development and simulation technology. The company is a leading player in these fields and the Nordic region is its domestic market. HiQ employs almost 1,200 people at offices in the Nordic region and Eastern Europe. HiQ is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap. For more information, please visit www.hiq.se


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