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The framework agreement covers Stockholm County Council, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and the company Inera. To secure the IT consultancy services it needs, Stockholm County Council will now buy in such services from HiQ to meet its requirements. The agreement opens up a new, interesting market segment to HiQ.

Around two million people live in the county of Stockholm. Stockholm County Council employs 45,000 people in total, not counting those who work for private providers. HiQ aims to deliver good solutions that simplify and streamline IT for the county’s residents and for county council staff.

“IT is an important area of our operations, because we want to constantly improve and simplify our processes for both local residents and our own employees. A company such as HiQ, which has expertise in this field going back over many years, is important to us as we develop this,” says Erik Guldbrand, Contracts Controller at Stockholm County Council’s Procurement department.

HiQ will help to meet current and future simplification requirements for users of IT within Stockholm County Council. The framework agreement is effective for two years from 2012, with an option to extend it for a further two years.

“HiQ is strategically well-positioned in more than ten market segments. We will be applying all our experience and expertise in this new, interesting area. Streamlining IT within municipalities and county councils is an important area and we are pleased at the confidence that has been placed in us,” says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ.

For further information, please contact:
Lars Stugemo, President and CEO HiQ, tel. +46 8 588 90 000
Peter Häggström, Head of Corporate Communications HiQ, tel. +46 8 588 90 000, +46 (0)704 200 103
Mats Gjöthlén, Account Manager HiQ, +46 (0)704 200 113

HiQ is an IT and management consultancy company focusing on high-tech solutions in the fields of communications, software development and simulation technology. The company is a leading player in these fields and the Nordic region is its domestic market. HiQ employs close to 1,300 people at offices in the Nordic region and Russia. HiQ is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap. For more information, please visit www.hiq.se


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