Introducing Virtual Lapland: a new way to experience the northern Finnish nature

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Explore and enjoy a 3D Arctic environment by Only in Lapland 

Virtual Lapland is a breathtaking, free VR experience by Only in Lapland, enabling people around the world to immerse themselves in the seasons and sensations of the north. The fully computer-generated environment is a virtual representation of the last wilderness in Europe and offers interactive elements, information, and stories about Lapland, including an animated tale about the Northern Lights.

Finnish Lapland's official travel channel, Only in Lapland teamed up with Zoan, the studio behind other popular virtual destinations, to bring Virtual Lapland to life. Inside the 3D environment, users will enjoy and learn about Lapland’s seasons, wilderness, wildlife, and the Northern Lights. There’s also details about summer and winter activities like hiking and skiing. Visitors can also try their hands at virtual photography, snapping pics to share on social media.

"We created Virtual Lapland to bring our forests, marshes, snow-crowned trees, Midnight Sun and Northern Lights to people around the world," says Salla-Mari Koistinen, program manager for Only in Lapland. "With so many people stuck behind computer screens the last two years, we thought it important to give everyone the chance to experience a little nature, even if it's simulated."

Only in Lapland knows well the effect nature can have on physical and mental wellbeing. According to articles published by the International Journal of Wellbeing, the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Forest Mind program, being in nature encourages positive emotions and discourages negative ones. This happens both consciously and unconsciously. Physical effects of being in nature include lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone levels. Earlier, these ideas of sharing nature and its benefits led to the release of SCAPES, an album of nature and culture sounds by Only in Lapland. Virtual Lapland is a natural progression from SCAPES, only hopefully more immersive and beneficial.

"So why virtual?" Koistinen asks. “Of course, we want as many people as possible to travel to Finnish Lapland and experience the benefits of nature in person, but that's not always possible. In addition to the situation of the past two years, there are many people around the world for whom access to Finnish Lapland, or just nature in general, is not possible. People with disabilities who cannot travel, those stuck in difficult geopolitical situations, or even people who live in big cities—they deserve the benefits of being in nature as much as anyone else.”

Finland has been ranked the happiest country on Earth for the past few years, and Koistinen suspects nature plays a huge role in that. “In designing the virtual environment, we learned that even simulated nature environments can pass on wellbeing benefits. We focused on creating a safe, stress-free experience that can hopefully improve anyone's wellbeing, mood and attitude. Virtual Lapland gives us the ability to bring some Finnish wellbeing and happiness to others.”

Virtual Lapland launches to public October 22nd, 2021. The full experience, as well as more information, can be found on the Virtual Lapland page. To make Virtual Lapland as accessible as possible, it works in normal web browsers and on mobile phones. For a more immersive experience, Virtual Lapland can also be experienced with VR headsets’ browsers.

More information about Virtual Lapland:

Virtual Lapland experience:

Virtual Lapland -project is funded by South Savo Regional Council from Funding for the development of tourism in the regions. Project is operated by House of Lapland as part of destination marketing program Only in Lapland.

More information:

Sanna Tarssanen, managing director,
+35840 861 1149

House of Lapland is a marketing and communications house for the Finnish Lapland. We promote Lapland as a travel and business destination as well as a filming location and a place to live. Most importantly, we share stories of the life above ordinary.

