The Group Management of Hufvudstaden AB acquires call options

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Hufvudstaden has been informed that all members of the Group Management have been offered and have accepted to purchase, at market terms, call options entitling to shares in Hufvudstaden. The options have been issued by K W Kapitalförvaltning AB, a company wholly-owned by Fredrik Lundberg. The options will not lead to any costs for Hufvudstaden.

The President and CEO has purchased 100,000 call options and the other six members of the Group Management have in total purchased 190,000 call options. Each option entitles the holder to purchase one share of series A in Hufvudstaden during the period 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2019 at a price of SEK 83 per share.

“The acquisition of call options in Hufvudstaden is viewed as very positive by myself and the entire management since it further increases the participation in the development of the business”, says Ivo Stopner, President and CEO.

Stockholm July 1, 2013



Ivo Stopner

Questions can be answered by:
Ivo Stopner, President, and Magnus Jacobson, Head of Finance, Telephone +46 (0)8-762 90 00.