Humana acquires the operations of Assistans för dig

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Humana acquires the operations of Assistans för dig. The acquisition strengthens Humana's position as the leading assistance provider in Sweden. With more customers, the opportunities increase to continue to develop the quality of the operations and to better manage the recruitment challenges that exist in the assistance market.   

Assistans för dig was founded in 2010 and is based in Stockholm. Full-year revenues amount to approximately SEK 600 million and the company has approximately 2,000 employees with 8 offices all across Sweden. The total purchase price is estimated to amount to SEK 151m. The payment is divided to an initial purchase price of SEK 20m on a cash and debt free basis and two earn-outs based on financial performance for 2022 and 2023. The majority of the transaction is to be paid at the last due date. The transaction will be financed with cash. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval from the Swedish Competition Authority and closing is expected during the second quarter of 2022. 

– We want to continue to develop our offering. Assistans för dig has been an appreciated industry colleague for a long time. They share our values and the operations fit well into Humana. We are therefore very pleased to welcome the customers and employees of Assistans för dig. We look forward to together taking advantage of the opportunities and synergies that arise from this acquisition, Andreas Westlund, Business Area manager Personal Assistance at Humana says.  

– We have had a good dialogue with Humana for many years, as we have struggled with the same type of challenges. I feel that both Assistans för dig and Humana share strong core values and views on how good assistance should be conducted. It feels reassuring for the sake of our customers and employees that it is Humana that we are transitioning to, Peter Wahlbäck, CEO Assistans för dig says.   

– Personal assistance is certainly an industry with challenges. But we both believe in the future of personal assistance and how important the efforts are for our customers. With an increased volume, we will have an even better opportunity to deliver good care and high quality, concludes Andreas Westlund.  

For more information, please contact:   

Andreas Westlund, Business Area Manager Humana Personal Assistance, +46 70-712 30 20,

Ewelina Pettersson, Investor Relations Manager, +46730-74 79 12, 

This disclosure contains information that Humana AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 11-05-2022 09:01 CET.

Humana is a leading Nordic care company providing services within individual and family care, personal assistance, elderly care and special service housing in accordance with LSS. Humana has 18,000 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark providing care for 9,000 individuals and working to achieve the vision “Everyone is entitled to a good life”. In 2021, Humana’s operating revenue was SEK 8,188m. Humana is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and the company’s headquarters are located in Stockholm. Read more about Humana on:


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