Insider’s Corner Q&A: Uri Kartoun, Co-Founder & Managing Partner for Stockato, LLC

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IBISWorld catches up with Uri Kartoun of Stockato to find out firsthand what's going on within his industry.

IW:  What challenge do you and Stockato face right now?

UK: There are two major challenges: 1) to attract more users and partners, and 2) to attract angel investors/venture capital companies to invest at Stockato. 

IW:  How does IBISWorld help you overcome this challenge?

UK:  IBISWorld helps by providing great industry research reports.

IW:  What do you foresee happening in your industry within the next year?

UK:  The personal financial industry is growing - both in terms of users, and in terms of new start-ups focused on the domain.

IW:  Tell us something interesting about yourself:

UK: Founding a new company leaves no time for hobbies. Despite that, I can find time to cook - I bake great pizzas and other things. Please take a look:

Dr. Uri Kartoun is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Stockato, LLC, a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) company.  Founded in August 2011 by Kartoun, an industrial engineer, and his father and electrical engineer, David Kartoun, Stockato developed a classification technology that was utilized to develop several financial search engines. The search engines are very different from ordinary screeners or other financial search engines provided by investment institutions such as Fidelity/Schwab or by web-based services such as Google Finance/Yahoo! Finance, and banks. New mathematical models and machine learning algorithms were developed to support Stockato’s engines. Stockato’s vision is to be a one-stop portal by including all of the currently existing financial instruments. 




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Quick facts

Stockato is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) company
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