Become an integration expert!

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Date: September 19, 2019

We're excited to announce our upcoming integration event, the iCore Bootcamp. Expand your iCore knowledge and update yourself on the latest technical features and performance in iCore Integration Suite and iCore Cloud Services. The event is scheduled to take place in Göteborg on the 17th of September and in Stockholm on September the 19th.  Make sure to note the date in your calendar right now! 

Read more and sign up for the event - iCore Bootcamp.

For more information, contact:
Håkan Holm
CTO iCore Solutions
phone: +46 709 17 98 01

iCore Solutions offers software integration solutions for collecting, structuring and analyzing data to companies of all sizes and in more than 30 countries. Based in Sweden and with 50 employees, iCore Solutions was founded in 2000 and has offices in Stockholm, Göteborg (HQ) and London.




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