

“Today’s teenagers are the first generation to have grown up with online in their lives and for them and us as parents, learning how to manage the way they present themselves online is an essential life skill.
Simon Wadsworth
“It’s very easy to make mistakes in the online world – and they can have lasting consequences or damage a young person’s long-term prospects.
Simon Wadsworth
“What this research shows very clearly is the damaging effect negative online content can have and the high cost to reputations and businesses.
Caroline Skipsey
“What this research shows very clearly is the damaging effect negative online content can have and the high cost to reputations and businesses.
Caroline Skipsey
as we share more and more personal information online, the need to guard and maintain a positive image is becoming more complex and pressing. “Negative content – whether from a disgruntled ex-partner, former employee or unfair review – can cause real distress and long-lasting damage.
Caroline Skipsey
“Our online reputations are more important than ever – so protecting them is a modern business and personal essential. “But as we share more and more personal information online, the need to guard and maintain a positive image is becoming more complex and pressing. “Negative content – whether from a disgruntled ex-partner, former employee or unfair review – can cause real distress and long-lasting damage. “But there are steps everyone can take to protect what is after all one of your most precious assets. “Our e-book has been designed to guide readers through the issues – and offer simple ways of maintaining a positive Google page one.
Caroline Skipsey


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