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  • WEF CEO Climate Leaders call on policymakers to supercharge the net-zero and climate momentum with actions

WEF CEO Climate Leaders call on policymakers to supercharge the net-zero and climate momentum with actions

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With the UK about to host COP26, seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control, an alliance of World Economic Forum CEO Climate Leaders, including Ingka Group CEO Jesper Brodin, has called for urgent action among governments and businesses on climate change.

To tackle climate change, it is necessary to limit warming to 1.5 degrees by halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and be net-zero by 2050. But no one can tackle this alone – businesses, governments and society have to work together and at speed. Ingka Group and Jesper Brodin, CEO, is the co-Chair of The WEF Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, which is the largest CEO-led community in the world. The Alliance calls on policymakers to supercharge the net-zero and climate momentum with bold commitments, policies and actions.

In an open letter, The Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders today calls on policy makers to act now to transform climate policies and make bold commitments. COP26 is our best chance to accelerate efforts in the race to net-zero and it’s time for governments to take the lead and to take action. Businesses are ready to supercharge global efforts, boost investments and do more to support government policies around climate.

“For me this is personal, I will double my efforts and expect businesses, government and society to do the same. We will achieve and transition to a net-zero future that is good for both people and the planet, by working together. That is why we encourage more CEO’s to join us at the WEF Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders in the progress towards a new economy where everyone can be a winner", says Jesper Brodin, CEO Ingka Group.

The Alliance is the largest CEO-led community in the world committed to climate action and aims to reduce 1 gigaton of emissions - equivalent to the size of Japan’s annual emission output. It is the only CEO-led community in the world aiming to drive change spanning the entire supply chain.

As part of its climate ambitions IKEA will be an official partner of COP26, the UN climate conference, taking place between 31 October and 12 November, which will be a pivotal moment to turn the tide on climate change.


Read the open letter here.

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Ingka Group (Ingka Holding B.V. and its controlled entities) is one of 12 different groups of companies that own and operate IKEA retail under franchise agreements with Inter IKEA Systems B.V. Ingka Group has three business areas: IKEA Retail, Ingka Investments and Ingka Centres. Ingka Group is a strategic partner in the IKEA franchise system, operating 389 IKEA stores in 32 countries. These IKEA stores had 706 million visits during FY20 and 3.6 billion visits to IKEA.com. Ingka Group operates business under the IKEA vision - to create a better everyday life for the many people by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford it.



