Changes in the Nomination Committee in Instalco AB

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In accordance with instructions adopted at the general meeting for Instalco AB that was held on 8 May 2019, the nomination committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board and three members representing the three largest shareholders of the company in terms of the number of votes that they control. If any of these shareholders declines their right to appoint a member, the option will go to the shareholder with the next largest holding in terms of votes that they control.

If a shareholder who has appointed a member no longer has status as one of the three largest shareholders of the company, the member of the committee that they appointed must resign and a new member shall be appointed in accordance with what has been stated above. Because a change of this nature has occurred in the ownership structure of Instalco AB, Handelsbanken Fonder is no longer represented on the nomination committee and their position has been taken over by Riikantorppa Oy.

The election committee in place prior to the 2020 AGM consists of:
• Krister Hansen (appointed by Per Sjöstrand)
• Magnus Skåninger (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder)
• Ingeborg Åkermarck (appointed by Riikantorppa Oy)
• Olof Ehrlén (Chairman of the Board)  

Shareholder who would like to make a proposal to the election committee must do so in writing and submit the proposal to:
Instalco AB, Att. Valberedningen, Lilla Bantorget 11. 111 23 Stockholm  

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Stockholm on 7 May 2020


For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Trahn, Head of IR and Communications
Phone: +46 (0)70-913 67 96, 

Instalco is one of the leading Nordic companies for heating, plumbing, electricity, ventilation, cooling and industrial solutions. We work closely with customers, offering all the advantages of a local company, along with efficient collaboration and mature leadership. The business is run through its more than 70 local, leading and highly specialised units, with support from a small, central organisation. Instalco is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker INSTAL. For more information, visit


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