Year-end report 2020
- The net asset value rose to SEK 153 per share, compared with SEK 136 per share at the start of the year. This is an increase of 13.7 per cent. By comparison, the Stockholm Stock Exchange's Total Return Index (SIXRX) increased by 14.8 per cent. The net asset value as of 11 February remained unchanged at SEK 153 per share.1
- The total return on the Latour share was 31.8 per cent during the period measured against the SIXRX, which rose 14.8 per cent.
- The Board of Directors proposes an increased dividend of SEK 3.00 (1.25) per share.
Fourth quarter
- The industrial operations' order intake rose 7 per cent to SEK 3,903 m (3,632 m), which represents a 3 per cent increase for comparable entities adjusted for foreign exchange effects.
- The industrial operations' net sales rose 11 per cent to SEK 3,989 m (3,591 m), which represents a 6 per cent increase for comparable entities adjusted for foreign exchange effects.
- The industrial operations' best fourth-quarter operating profit to date. Operating profit increased by 37 per cent to SEK 593 m (434 m), which equates to an operating margin of 14.8 (12.1) per cent for continuing operations.
- On 2 November, Swegon acquired the German company SLT Schanze Lufttechnik. On 18 November, Latour Industries signed an agreement for the acquisition of the Italian company Vega S.R.L. The acquisition was finalised in January 2021. On 11 December, Hultafors Group signed an agreement for the acquisition of Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Kansas GmbH and Leijona Group Oy. In addition, Latour Industries signed an agreement for the acquisition of the Swedish company Elsys for Bemsiq on 18 December. The acquisition was finalised in January 2021.
Full year
- The industrial operations' order intake rose 9 per cent to SEK 10,954 m (10,028 m), which represents a 5 per cent decrease for comparable entities adjusted for foreign exchange effects.
- The industrial operations' net sales rose 9 per cent to SEK 10,794 m (9,924 m), which represents a 5 per cent decrease for comparable entities adjusted for foreign exchange effects.
- Operating profit increased by 9 per cent to SEK 1,524 m (1,393 m), which equates to an operating margin of 14.1 (14.0) per cent for continuing operations.
- Consolidated net sales totalled SEK 15,028 m (13,738 m), and profit after financial items was SEK 5,753 m (5,725 m). An impairment charge of SEK -108 m in relation to Alimak and a capital gain of SEK 1,964 m from the sale of Tomra shares have been recognised in the income statement this year. Capital gains and other items that affect the comparability of results had a favourable SEK 1,134 m impact on last year's income statement.
- Consolidated profit after tax was SEK 5,324 m (5,310 m), which is equivalent to SEK 8.32 (8.33) per share.
- The Group reported net debt of SEK 5,273 m (8,095 m). Net debt, excluding lease liabilities recognised under IFRS 16, was SEK 4,613 m (7,478 m) and is equivalent to 4 (8) per cent of the market value of total assets.
- In December, Fitch Ratings assigned Latour an “A” rating with a Stable Outlook.
- The value of the investment portfolio increased by 9.1 per cent during the year when adjusted for portfolio changes and dividends. The benchmark index (SIXRX) rose 14.8 per cent.
- During the year, 2,590,000 shares in Fagerhult were acquired, giving an ownership stake of 47.8 per cent.
- In May, 7.8 million shares in Tomra were sold for a consideration of SEK 2.5 billion. After the sale, Latour holds 21.1 per cent of outstanding shares in the company and remains its principal owner.
- The shareholding in Alimak increased during the year to 29.6 per cent following acquisition of 210,000 shares.
- On 8 January, Densiq, within Latour Industries, acquired the entire shareholding of the Danish company VM Kompensator A/S, which in 2020 generated net sales of DKK 23 m.
1 The calculation of the net asset value on 11 February was based on the value of the investment portfolio at 1 p.m. on 11 February and the same values as at 31 December were used for the unlisted portfolio.
Comments from the CEO
“Despite the second wave of the pandemic hitting with full force and impacting Latour's business to varying degrees, the wholly-owned industrial operations grew organically in the fourth quarter. Our fourth-quarter performance was very strong. Although we are coming through the crisis relatively unscathed, we expect the uncertainty created by the pandemic to continue until it is over. Our operations are fully prepared to take additional measures, if and when necessary.
The fourth-quarter order intake was up 3 per cent and invoiced sales 6 per cent when adjusted for acquisitions and exchange rate movements. Operating profit increased by 37 per cent in the quarter to SEK 593 m (434 m) with a strong operating margin of 14.8 (12.1) per cent. When adjusted for acquisitions and exchange rate movements, we outperformed the previous year's operating profit by 28 per cent.
The whole year was marked by the pandemic and its effect on the global economy. Net sales rose 9 per cent to SEK 14,783 m (13,516 m) and the operating profit increased by 16 per cent to SEK 2,117 m (1,827 m) with an operating margin of 14.3 (13.5) per cent. These figures are very pleasing and confirm that we own sustainable and well-managed companies.
Our business areas have been giving the highest priority to the health and safety of employees while at the same time managing their operations to respond to the challenges that have arisen throughout the year in the best way possible. They have taken significant actions to mitigate the impact of the virus, above all by adopting a rigorous approach to cost control. The operations have benefited from government support schemes where appropriate, but only to a relatively small extent and primarily in the regions hit hardest by lockdown measures. Such government funding received in the fourth quarter was much less than in the third quarter and the second quarter in particular, and the impact on earnings in the quarter was marginal. As in the previous quarter, we have observed various trends and impacts depending on which market and segment one looks at. Generally, it can be said that the countries of northern Europe have been less affected than the rest of Europe. The operations in Asia and North America have experienced relatively positive growth. We have a diversified portfolio of holdings that are exposed to different geographic markets, customers and product segments, which has alleviated the negative impact of the crisis. Moreover, the majority of our companies are well-positioned in markets that are showing good growth potential which promotes positive development. One example of this is Caljan, whose customers are benefitting from the increase in online shopping.
The level of acquisition activity during the quarter has been high. Swegon has acquired SLT Schanze Lufttechnik. Furthermore, we have signed agreements for three more acquisitions: Vega for Latour Industries, Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Kansas GmbH and Leijona Group Oy for Hultafors Group and Elsys for Bemsiq. The acquisitions of Vega and Elsys were finalised in early January 2021 and the acquisition of the Fristads companies is expected to be completed in February. Read more about our acquisitions on page 4.
Pandemic or not, we're looking ahead and investing in the future to maintain our competitive edge and grow our market share. Latour enjoys a strong financial position and is continuously investing in various projects across product development, sales and marketing. We remain committed to our focus on sustainability and digitalisation, which are key to underpinning future growth. In the fourth quarter, we established Latour Future Solutions, an investment area targeting sustainability-focused growth companies. Latour will enter as a minority shareholder in companies, where we can support them with our industrial expertise to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable society. We have begun by investing in Gaia Biomaterials, a company that develops and manufactures biodegradable biomaterials from renewable sources to replace fossil-based plastics.
Since the beginning of the year, the investment portfolio has increased by 9.1 per cent when adjusted for portfolio changes and dividends, while the benchmark index (SIXRX) increased by 14.8 per cent. The underlying growth in earnings of the companies has, with a few exceptions, also been good considering the pandemic. Most of the companies have been hit by a fall in organic sales, but have demonstrated considerable resilience and are posting good operating profits. The net asset value in Latour increased by 13.7 per cent to SEK 153 per share for the full year.
The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend be increased to SEK 3.00 per share, which is 9 per cent above the original dividend proposal in 2020. Last year's dividend was later reduced to SEK 1.25 per share for precautionary reasons.”
Johan Hjertonsson
President and CEO
For further information please contact:
Johan Hjertonsson, President and CEO, Tel. +46 702-29 77 93 or
Anders Mörck, CFO, Tel. +46 706-46 52 110
Conference call
President and CEO Johan Hjertonsson and CFO Anders Mörck present the report and answers to questions by telephone today at 10.00 AM (CET). The conference call will be held in English.
To follow the meeting, please call +46 (0)8 505 583 68.
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