New positions and changes in K-Fastigheters Group management

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Leif Astikainen has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) of K-Fast Holding AB (”K-Fastigheter”). The position as COO of the Group is new. Henrik Gustafsson has been appointed Chief Procurement Officer (CPO).

In his role as Chief Operating Officer, Leif Astikainen will coordinate the various functions in the Group in order to make the best use of each employee’s skills. In addition, Leif Astikainen will continue to develop the organization in order to implement the Group’s business strategy.

Leif Astikainen has been Deputy CEO of the subsidiary K-Prefab where he has worked since 2004 and HR manager int the Group since 2021. Leif Astikainen is since before member of the Group management and his previous area of responsibility will be a part of his new assignment.

“It feels very good that Leif gets the new role as COO in the Group. He has solid experience in personnel and management matters and is a highly valued colleague in the Group since K-Prefab became part of the family. I am convinced that his competence and leadership will develop our Group even more as we continue to grow”, says Jacob Karlsson CEO of K-Fast Holding AB

“K-Fastigheter has a unique business model. I think it will be very stimulating to work with further developing and coordinating our organization to face the future. By making use of the many different skills that exist throughout the Group, we can build an even stronger K-Fastigheter”, says Leif Astikainen, Chief Operating Officer of K-Fast Holding AB

Henrik Gustafsson takes up a new position as Chief Procurement Officer with responsibility for procurement in the entire Group. Every year the Group makes large procurements for the prefab and construction operations as well as the property management. Through efficient procurement and further coordination, there are opportunities to use the entire organization’s knowledge in order to reduce costs.

Henrik Gustafsson has been Chief Procurement Officer and member of the management team for the subsidiary K-Prefab where he has worked since 2017. Henrik Gustafsson will become a member of the Group management.

”I welcome Henrik in his new role as Chief Procurement Officer for the Group. There are great advantages for us taking further steps to coordinate various functions within the Group where procurement is a very important part. With his experience, Henrik, together with his colleagues in procurement, will play an important role in ensuring that the Group can constantly find good and cost-effective solutions”, says Jacob Karlsson, CEO of K-Fast Holding AB.

“I look forward to leading the Group’s procurement function. Our business model, where K-Fastigheter controls the entire chain from project development to property management, results in large procurement volumes. Coordination within the Group is a step to further streamline the volumes procured and find good partners who support our offer to the market, regardless of whether it is about attractive housing for our tenants or prefab solutions for external customers”, says Henrik Gustafsson, Chief Procurement Officer of K-Fast Holding AB

For more information, please contact:
Leif Astikainen, Chief Operating Officer and HR manager
e-post:, telephone: +46 (0)10-161 82 74

Henrik Gustafsson, Chief Procurement Officer
e-post:, telephone: +46 (0)10-161 82 98

Johan Hammarqvist, Head of Investor Relations and Communications
e-mail:, telephone: +46 (0)10-167 60 99


As a property company, K-Fastigheter’s objective is to add value for tenants by creating attractive homes with superior comfort. The Group’s operations encompass active property management, project development and proprietary construction operations. To enhance cost efficiency and cut construction times, K-Fastigheter has chosen to work with three concept buildings, developed in-house and constructed for proprietary management. K-Fastigheter provides some 3,830 homes in several locations in the Öresund region, in the province of Småland and in western Sweden, and is assessing new markets as production capacity increases. The Group’s property portfolio has a book value SEK 13.6 billion, with an annual rental value of about SEK 504 million. Since November 2019, the company’s Class B shares have been traded on Nasdaq Stockholm under the (ticker: KFAST B). Read more at