International point of view: Kiilto in Estonia

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In the 1910s, pharmacists were busy looking for hair tonic and mouthwash to sell, shoe factories were lacking paints, shoe polish, waxes and adhesives, and furniture factories were in need of varnishes and polish waxes. The name Kiilto (“gloss”) refers to the type of products the company produced in its early years. Currently, Kiilto develops and produces adhesives and related products and systems for construction, renovation and industrial use from the uppermost layers all the way down to the base. OÜ Kiilto Eesti, founded in 1999, is an importer and wholesaler of construction products and industrial adhesives in Estonia.

Striving together towards new achievements

Kiilto's activities are aimed at maintaining lasting partnership relations. The aim is to create new solutions in cooperation with customers, develop professional skills and achieve a high-quality result that is durable and produced in a reliable manner. Listening to each other and exchanging ideas and knowledge with customers helps Kiito to achieve these common goals. Direct customer service is crucial and each employee in the company works to this end. Kiilto's front-line service staff pays attention to the wishes of each customer and thoroughly gets to know the environment in which the customer uses Kiilto products. Personal interaction gives a very good overview of the expectations and allows the customer to find the product or solution that suits the best, thereby helping customers to distinguish themselves from their competitors and achieve high-quality results.

Availability and perfectly functioning 24 h logistics

Deliveries must be performed in a punctual way so that work done on the site runs smoothly. Thanks to its own transport fleet and large stock, Kiilto is able to guarantee delivery with a 99% security of supply, and products arrive within 24 hours.

Kiilto's sales team ensures that the customer can contact the expert it specifically needs. The team specialises in various construction and industry sectors that actively communicate with customers in their area.

If a customer has a particular request – as is often the case with industries of large volumes – the product is manufactured according to the specific needs of the customer. Kiilto values direct communication with customers and understands that product development is faster when it is possible come up with a solution together for high-quality results.

Free trainings

Kiilto is developing training programmes for the construction, renovation and industrial sectors. In Estonia the trainings are held at Kiilto's Estonian office in Rae near Tallinn, and, if desired, also on site, closer to the customer. The training covers both theory and practice and is free of charge for the participants. Kiilto Estonia trains over 500 builders, salespersons and apprentices every year. Since Kiilto provides products that cover the whole process forming complete systems, for example for wet rooms, it is very important to train users on how to use the products properly.

Responsibility for the environment

Kiilto's activities support sustainable development and the company is actively seeking ways for a better future. When it comes to product development, Kiilto always strives to select raw materials that are as safe as possible for both the user and the environment. The latest developments in safety and environmental issues are taken into account, as Kiilto can influence the development of environmental issues with its own products. Kiilto actively participates in the activities of environmental organisations in the chemical industry and is involved in major projects. The guidelines set out in the social responsibility standard ISO 26000 are a principle for the company.

Certificates and quality labels

Kiilto has also received a number of certificates and quality labels for its environmentally friendly operation. This is verified by the environmental friendliness of its products. For example, the certificate from Finnish Allergy and Asthma Federation provides a guarantee that the product does not contain hazardous and allergenic substances and is also suitable for use by the most sensitive people. The Nordic Ecolabel or SWAN LABEL indicates that the least amount of energy possible was consumed in the manufacturing process of the product. This label ensures that the product meets strict environmental and quality requirements. EMISSION CLASSIFICATION divides products into three categories: M1, M2 and M3. The M1 class includes products that meet the most stringent emission level requirements, and which do not release harmful compounds or solvents into ambient air. M1 class products are a safe choice for those who suffer from respiratory diseases or allergies. WHEEL MARK indicates that products meet the fire safety requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The ISO 9001 certificate verifies that Kiilto's quality system meets the ISO 9001 standard, including product development, manufacturing, distribution, material procurement, storage, supply and customer service. The CE marking is given to products that have shown in tests that they meet the requirements of the European-wide ETA approval as a whole system. In 2004, tiling adhesives were the first Kiilto products to receive the CE marking. All Kiilto's tiling adhesives and plasters now have the CE marking.

These are just some of the quality labels; furthermore, since July 2005 the company has been a member Eesti Taaskasutusorganisatsioon, the Estonian non-profit recycling organisation.

Kiilto's dedication to both company and the environment is significant and could serve as an example for others. An undisputed and respectful attitude towards its employees, partners and clients is the key to success.

The family-owned company founded in Finland in 1919 has grown into an international chemical industry group that includes regional sales offices in Finland and subsidiaries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. OÜ Kiilto Eesti, founded in 1999, is an importer and wholesaler of construction products and industrial adhesives in Estonia.



