The construction business is in an interesting stage where productivity, quality and resource efficiency can be radically improved. Aiforsite offers a holistic solution that can potentially drive the development of the whole industry, and we at Kiilto want to promote and drive this kind of development.
Our goal is to double our use of renewable, plant-based raw materials. We are continuously involved in high numbers of product development tests. For example, last year we succeeded in introducing plant-based substitutes for three large groups of raw materials.
Insta will celebrate its 60th anniversary this year, and Kiilto has just reached its first century. Looking towards the forthcoming decades is a core aspect of both companies’ cultures. Young people are the builders of tomorrow’s working life and society,.
As the world around us is changing at an accelerated pace, we need to find new ways to develop and reinvent our business. Climate change is challenging us to really push ourselves in finding new, more sustainable ways to solve the needs of our customers.
Our portfolio includes green options. This lays the groundwork for a better discussion. I take professional pride in our innovativeness and bold, forward-looking approach in these respects.
We did not make Our Promise to the Environment only in honour of our centenary – we did it because our goal of becoming the environmental leader in our sector is part and parcel of our business culture. It is the cornerstone we build on. We have set ambitious targets to keep our promises, and we take decisive steps every day.
If you want to head in the right direction, you can’t afford to be scared of change. Instead, when you must, you have to have the courage to lead the way, clear new paths and reach for the unknown.
As a product of this kind of testing work, we recently introduced a packaging containing recycled plastic for Kiilto Natura product line. Natura line containing products for professional cleaning is also otherwise a good example of environment-based product development, as the products in the line are manufactured from plant-based, that is renewable and biodegradable, raw materials.
We want to help our customers to recycle. We want to do things that really matter, in accordance with the spirit of the circular economy.
Kiilto has given us valuable advice not only on recycling, but also on cleaning and hygiene in general. Such comprehensive service is important to us.
What is important in our research and development activities is that we find and deploy safer and eco-friendlier options, without making any compromises on the established Kiilto power and quality.
I am particularly impressed with Kiilto’s proactivity. It seems like they can always come up with an idea for development when they visit us. Their expertise is very solid.
The most important thing is to have products that work well and are safe to use.
Delivery reliability and safety are top priorities.
Kiilto's sturdy local sales organisation ensures that the troubles and worries of the end users are responded to quickly and professionally.
If a professional chef, a master craftsman, spends his time scrubbing surfaces using a bad product, it gets very expensive.
From a partner we also require a healthy developmental spirit and expertise to constantly create new and better ways to clean different materials.
Without hygiene there is no top-tier restaurant – these two walk hand in hand. If the kitchen isn't clean and organised, the chef cannot operate rationally in the space.
If the restaurant does not have enough staff to clean up, then they probably don't have enough to serve the patrons. Restaurant work is craftsmanship, so being in a hurry reflects on everything.
Saving in time is by far the greatest benefit of spraying. And as we all know, in construction sites time is money.
Co-operation with Kiilto means working together in a very real, concrete sense.