Bike prize for cycle fans

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Two young cycling fans from Knowsley were thrilled to win brand new bikes of their own after watching their sporting heroes race through the borough.

Mollie Haslan, 10, and Sophie Watterson, 9, were winners after entering a competition run by Knowsley Council’s Road Safety Team when the Tour of Britain took place at Knowsley Safari Park in September.

The winners took part in a cycling safety workshop, and then had to use what they had learnt to spot all the mistakes being made by a cyclist in a picture.

And Mollie, a Year 6 pupil at St Luke’s Catholic Primary in Prescot, and Sophie, in Year 5 at Stockbridge Village Primary, were thrilled to be told they had won. Both girls received a new BMX bike as well as helmets and bike accessories.

The prizes were the perfect way to cap off the excitement of watching Olympic champion Bradley Wiggins win the time trial event in Knowsley, which spurred him on to overall victory in this year’s Tour of Britain.

Cllr Dave Lonergan, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Economy and Skills, said: “Watching the world’s elite cyclists competing in Knowsley was a really inspirational experience and it’s great that two of the young spectators can now get on their own bikes and enjoy cycling for themselves.

“I hope that Mollie and Sophie will really enjoy their prizes, and remember the lessons they learnt along the way about how to stay safe on the roads.”

All Knowsley schools receive Bikeability cyclist training. Levels 1 and 2 are completed during Years 5 or 6, and Level 3 during Year 7 and beyond.



For more information, contact:

Gemma Melling

Communications Officer (Media)

Knowsley Council

0151 443 3537




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Watching the world’s elite cyclists competing in Knowsley was a really inspirational experience and it’s great that two of the young spectators can now get on their own bikes and enjoy cycling for themselves.
Cllr Dave Lonergan, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Economy and Skills