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KONECRANES PLC INTERIM REPORT October 29, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Finnish time       


Figures in brackets, unless otherwise stated, refer to the same period a year   

THIRD QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS                                                        
- Order intake was on a good level at EUR 515.9 million (506.4). Reported growth
was 1.9 percent and growth at comparable currency rates was 5.4 percent.        
- Order book at end September grew by 34.0 percent year-on-year and reached EUR 
1,065.2 million (794.8).                                                        
- Order intake continued strong in Service and Standard Lifting but decreased as
anticipated in Heavy Lifting.                                                   
- Sales grew by 22.6 percent to EUR 520.4 million (424.4). Growth at comparable 
currency rates was 28.9 percent.                                                
- Operating profit was EUR 69.0 million (45.5), 13.3 percent of sales (10.7).   

JANUARY-SEPTEMBER HIGHLIGHTS                                                    
- Orders received grew by 18.3 percent and totaled EUR 1,657.5 million          
(1,401.0). Growth at comparable currency rates was 23.7 percent.                
- Sales grew by 18.3 percent and were EUR 1,452.1 million (1,227.0). Growth at  
comparable currency rates was 24.3 percent.                                     
- Operating profit increased to EUR 172.3 million (114.4, excluding capital     
gain) and was 11.9 percent of sales (9.3, excluding capital gain).              
- Profit before taxes was EUR 162.4 million (104.3, excluding capital gain).    
- Earnings per share (diluted) was EUR 1.97 (1.21, excluding capital gain).     

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                
- Full year 2008 sales growth target unchanged: sales targeted at 15 - 20       
percent higher than in 2007.                                                    
- Full year 2008 operating margin target unchanged: to exceed previous year's   
- Shortage of credit is affecting customer behavior; order intake in Q4 may be  
lower than in Q3.                                                               

| KEY FIGURES    |  7-9/ |  7-9/ | Chang |  1-9/ |    1-9/ |  R12M   |    2007 |
|                | 2008  | 2007  |   e % | 2008  |   2007  |         |         |
| Orders         | 515.9 | 506.4 |   1.9 |     1 | 1 401.0 | 2 128.5 | 1 872.0 |
| received, MEUR |       |       |       | 657.5 |         |         |         |
| Order book at  |     1 | 794.8 |  34.0 |     1 |   794.8 |         |   757.9 |
| end of period, | 065.2 |       |       | 065.2 |         |         |         |
| MEUR           |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Sales total,   | 520.4 | 424.4 |  22.6 |     1 | 1 227.0 | 1 974.8 | 1 749.7 |
| MEUR           |       |       |       | 452.1 |         |         |         |
| Operating      |  69.0 |  45.5 |  51.5 | 172.3 |  114.4* |   232.7 |  174.7* |
| profit, MEUR   |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Operating      |  13.3 |  10.7 |       |  11.9 |  9.3 %* |  11.8 % | 10.0 %* |
| margin, %      |     % |     % |       |     % |         |         |         |
| Profit before  |  63.5 |  41.5 |  52.9 | 162.4 |  104.3* |   219.2 |  161.2* |
| taxes, MEUR    |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Net profit for |  45.4 |  29.5 |  54.0 | 116.6 |   73.6* |   159.2 |  116.1* |
| the period,    |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| MEUR           |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Earnings per   |  0.77 |  0.49 |  56.6 |  1.99 |   1.23* |    2.70 |   1.95* |
| share, basic,  |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| EUR            |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Earnings per   |  0.77 |  0.48 |  61.4 |  1.97 |   1.21* |    2.68 |   1.92* |
| share,         |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| diluted, EUR   |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Gearing %      |       |       |       | 8.8 % |  22.4 % |         |   7.0 % |
| Return on      |       |       |       |       |         |  52.3 % |  50.4 % |
| capital        |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| employed %,    |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Rolling 12     |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Months (R12M)  |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| Average number |       |       |       | 9 051 |   7 905 |         |   8 005 |
| of personnel   |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| during the     |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |
| period         |       |       |       |       |         |         |         |

* 2007 operating profit, operating margin, profit before taxes, net profit for  
the period and earnings per share figures are presented excluding the capital   
gain on the sale of real estate booked in Q2 2007, while other figures include  
the capital gain. Including the capital gain, the operating profit and profit   
before taxes are EUR 17.6 million higher, the net profit for the period is EUR  
13.0 million higher, and earnings per share is EUR 0.22 higher than presented.  

President and CEO Pekka Lundmark:                                               

"We can be pleased with our third quarter results. In spite of the uncertainty  
in the world economy, our order intake remained at a good level. In fact, this  
quarter's orders were the third highest in our company's history. Delivery      
volumes grew fast, the product mix was favorable and we succeeded in controlling
our costs well, and we can report a very satisfying 13.3 percent operating      
margin for the quarter.                                                         

As seen today, our order book looks healthy. We have received some order        
cancellations and requests for extended delivery times, but the effect so far on
our business outlook is very small. However, should the credit market not       
stabilize in the near future, this situation could change. On the other hand,   
advance payments received represent approximately one fourth of our order book. 
This reduces the financial impact of order cancellations. The fact that we are  
almost debt-free is another valuable asset right now.                           

Even though our company is not immune to a general slowdown in the world        
economy, there are several ways to seek continued growth even when the times get
tougher. Many customers are interested in large scale maintenance service       
outsourcing deals when times are bad, simply to improve productivity and reduce 
costs. Several infrastructure related customer segments where we have a strong  
position, such as power generation, transportation and waste handling, are also 
likely to continue investments in a downturn. There are still several           
geographical markets in the world where we do not have sufficient coverage. We  
intend to continue to increase our market share organically, but a weak economy 
typically also opens up attractive opportunities for acquisitions at reasonable 
prices. And finally, we have plans to widen our product and service offering    
through important launches during the upcoming quarters. The extent to which    
these items will be able to compensate the effects of the downturn depends      
largely on how severe the dip in the economy is and how long it lasts.”         

KONECRANES'S JANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2008 INTERIM REPORT                            

MARKET REVIEW                                                                   

General uncertainty has been increasing in the overall economic environment     
since the beginning of the year. The financial crisis that escalated in the     
latter part of the third quarter has spread fears of a severe economic slowdown 
in the world economy. However, during the past nine months, the effects of this 
development were not yet notably visible in the demand for lifting equipment and
services, even if towards the end of the reporting period there were signs of   
declining industrial activity and confidence in certain markets.                

In fact, during the third quarter, activity in most of the customer segments -  
especially in steel and other metals, power, petrochemical, mining and          
waste-to-energy - remained strong. On the other hand, activity in the pulp &    
paper and automotive industries remained low globally and general manufacturing 
was showing some signs of softening. In the ports sector activity continued to  
be slow in the Americas and shipyards began to show some softening in the APAC  
area as well. However, even if the uncertainty was not yet directly visible in  
the demand for lifting equipment and services, it gradually began to be         
reflected in customer behavior in terms of slower decision making. This         
cautiousness was more pronounced with smaller customers than at larger          

During the third quarter, input costs, especially for steel, labor and          
transportation, continued to rise. After the end of the reporting period raw    
material prices, especially for steel, have begun to decline.                   

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the figures in brackets in the sections below    
refer to the same period in the previous year.                                  

ORDERS RECEIVED                                                                 

January-September orders received totaled EUR 1,657.5 million (1,401.0)         
representing growth of 18.3 percent. Orders received increased in Service by 5.9
percent, in Standard Lifting by 23.4 percent and in Heavy Lifting by 25.1       
percent compared with a year earlier.                                           

Third-quarter order intake was on a good level at EUR 515.9 million (506.4).    
Order intake growth continued strong in Service and Standard Lifting and in the 
process crane segment of the Business Area Heavy Lifting. However, low orders in
port equipment in Americas and in shipyards in APAC depressed the total Heavy   
Lifting orders.                                                                 

Regionally, solid growth in order intake continued in EMEA in all Business      
Areas. In APAC, total orders received increased despite the decline in Heavy    
Lifting as a result of good development both in Service and especially in       
Standard Lifting. In Americas, order intake remained strong in Service and      
Standard Lifting as well as in the process crane segment of Heavy Lifting.      

In the third quarter, orders from emerging markets accounted for slightly more  
than one third of order intake, compared with approximately 40 percent in the   
second quarter. Main reason for the decrease from the second quarter was the    
timing of Heavy Lifting orders from Russia.                                     

ORDER BOOK                                                                      

The value of the order book at end September totaled EUR 1,065.2 million. The   
order book increased slightly from the second quarter when it stood at EUR      
1,027.7 million. Service accounted for EUR 151.6 million (14 percent), Standard 
Lifting for EUR 418.2 million (38 percent) and Heavy Lifting for EUR 531.7      
million (48 percent) of the total end September order book.                     


Group sales in January-September grew by 18.3 percent and totaled EUR 1,452.1   
million (1,227.0). Higher prices accounted for less than 5 percentage points of 
the sales growth.                                                               

Third quarter sales grew by 22.6 percent and were EUR 520.4 million (424.4).    
Service sales grew by 8.1 percent, Standard Lifting by 26.5 percent and Heavy   
Lifting by 39.6 percent compared with the corresponding period in 2007.         

At end September, calculated for rolling 12 months, the regional breakdown was  
as follows: EMEA 57 (52), Americas 29 (35) and APAC 14 (13) percent.            

| Net    | 7-9/ | 7-9/ | Change | Change  | 1-9/   | 1-9/    |  R12M  | 2007   |
| sales  | 2008 | 2007 | percen | % at    | 2008   | 2007    |        |        |
| by     |      |      | t      | comp.   |        |         |        |        |
| region |      |      |        | currenc |        |         |        |        |
| , MEUR |      |      |        | y rates |        |         |        |        |
| EMEA   | 298. | 238. |   24.9 |    27.5 |  827.2 |   653.8 | 1,124. |  951.4 |
|        |    1 |    6 |        |         |        |         |      9 |        |
| AME    | 144. | 135. |    6.5 |    19.2 |  413.6 |   430.2 |  573.1 |  589.7 |
|        |    1 |    4 |        |         |        |         |        |        |
| APAC   | 78.3 | 50.4 |   55.3 |    59.9 |  211.3 |   143.0 |  276.8 |  208.6 |
| Total  | 520. | 424. |   22.6 |    28.9 | 1,452. | 1,227.0 | 1,974. | 1,749. |
|        |    4 |    4 |        |         |      1 |         |      8 |      7 |

CURRENCY RATE EFFECT                                                            

Year-on-year order intake growth in January-September at comparable currency    
rates was 23.7 percent whereas the reported growth was 18.3 percent. The        
corresponding growth figures for sales were 24.3 and 18.3 respectively.         

In the third quarter Group order intake growth at comparable currency rates was 
5.4 whereas the reported growth was 1.9 percent. The third quarter growth       
figures for sales were 28.9 and 22.6, respectively. Of the Business Areas,      
Service was most affected by the stronger euro rate, with order growth of 16.8  
percent and sales growth of 16.1 percent at comparable currency rates, compared 
with 9.9 and 8.1 respectively in reported growth. Of the regions, the impact was
largest in the Americas region, with sales increasing by 19.2 percent at        
comparable currency rates, compared with the increase of 6.5 percent in reported

The impact of changes in currency rates reduced the Group's operating margin by 
approximately 1 percentage point in both January-September and the third quarter
compared with the same periods a year earlier.                                  

FINANCIAL RESULT                                                                

The consolidated operating profit in January-September totaled EUR 172.3 million
(114.4, excluding capital gain). Operating profit increased by EUR 57.9 million 
and the consolidated operating margin rose to 11.9 percent (9.3, excluding      
capital gain).                                                                  

Third-quarter operating profit rose to EUR 69.0 million (45.5) and the operating
margin was 13.3 percent (10.7). All Business Areas contributed to the increase. 
The operating margin was on a good level of 14.5 percent in Service (14.3).     
Operating margin in Standard Lifting rose to a very good level of 18.4 percent  
(15.4) and improved substantially in Heavy Lifting to 9.0 percent (3.3).  The   
net effect of higher prices and input costs in the third quarter was flat.      

The share of associated companies' and joint ventures' result, and net financial
expenses totaled EUR -9.9 million (-10.0) in January-September.                 

January-September profit before taxes was EUR 162.4 million (104.3, excluding   
capital gain).                                                                  

Income taxes in January-September were EUR -45.8 million (-30.8, excluding      
capital gain). The Group's effective tax rate was 28.2 percent (29.5, excluding 
capital gain).                                                                  

Net profit for January-September was EUR 116.6 million (73.6, excluding capital 

Diluted earnings per share for January-September were EUR 1.97 (1.21, excluding 
capital gain).                                                                  

On a rolling twelve-month basis, return on capital employed was 52.3 percent    
(37.7, excluding capital gain) and return on equity 49.6 percent (43.2,         
excluding capital gain).                                                        

Balance Sheet                                                                   
The consolidated balance sheet, which at end September stood at EUR 1,179.8     
million, was EUR 209.8 million higher than at 30 September 2007 and EUR 222.9   
million higher than at year-end 2007. Total equity at the end of the report     
period was EUR 354.6 million (287.1).                                           

From the end of the second quarter 2008 net working capital increased by EUR 7.8
million to EUR 243.1 million at end September. Increase in net working capital  
was mainly due to increase in inventories.                                      

Cash Flow and Financing                                                         
Net cash flow from operating activities in January-September was EUR 73.6       
million (86.6), representing EUR 1.24 per diluted share (1.43). In the third    
quarter, net cash flow from operating activities was EUR 51.4 million (52.1).   

Interest-bearing net debt decreased to EUR 31.1 million from EUR 73.6 million at
end June. Interest-bearing net debt at end December 2007 was EUR 19.7 million.  
The solidity was 38 percent (35.4) and gearing 8.8 percent (22.4).              

The Group has a EUR 200-million committed back-up financing facility to secure  
running liquidity. At 30 September, none of this was in use. The amount in use  
at year-end 2007 was EUR 27.2 million.                                          

Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company at 30         
September was EUR 353.0 million (287.1) or EUR 6.00 per share (4.78). Konecranes
paid its shareholders dividends amounting to EUR 46.8 million or EUR 0.80 per   
share in March, 2008.                                                           

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                             

January-September capital expenditure excluding acquisitions amounted to EUR    
18.8 million (18.1). This amount consisted mainly of replacement or capacity    
expansion investments on machines, equipment and information technology.        
Capital expenditure including acquisitions was EUR 35.2 million (35.3).         

Third quarter capital expenditure excluding acquisitions was EUR 9.1 million    
(5.3) and including acquisitions EUR 11.3 million (17.1).                       


During January-September, EUR 16.4 million was spent on a total of nine         
acquisitions. Net assets of the acquired companies were recorded at EUR 12.7    
million and goodwill of EUR 3.7 million was booked from the acquisitions. During
the third quarter EUR 2.2 million was spent on three acquisitions mainly to     
support the Service strategy. Non-organic growth both in January-September and  
in the third quarter sales was approximately 3 percentage points.               


In January-September the Group employed an average of 9,051 people (7,905). At  
30 September, the headcount was 9,602 (8,284). At end September, the number of  
personnel by Business Area were as follows: Service 5,261 employees (4,390),    
Standard Lifting 2,669 employees (2,412), Heavy Lifting 1,393 employees (1,269) 
and Group staff 279 (213). The Group had 5,522 employees (4,677) working in     
EMEA, 2,569 (2,432) in the Americas and 1,511 (1,175) in the APAC region.       

BUSINESS AREAS                                                                  

Change in reporting method                                                      

As of January 1, 2008 all the services and spare parts business is reported in  
the Service Business Area. The Business Area figures for 2007 have been restated
for better comparability.                                                       

|                   |  7-9/ |  7-9/ | Change |  1-9/ |  1-9/ |   R12M |  2007* |
|                   |  2008 |  2007 | percen |  2008 | 2007* |        |        |
|                   |       |       |   t    |       |       |        |        |
| Orders received,  | 170.1 | 154.8 |    9.9 | 498.9 | 470.9 |  651.3 |  623.4 |
| MEUR              |       |       |        |       |       |        |        |
| Order book, MEUR  | 151.6 | 122.8 |   23.5 | 151.6 | 122.8 |        |  109.3 |
| Sales, MEUR       | 187.2 | 173.2 |    8.1 | 533.7 | 503.0 |  722.8 |  692.2 |
| Operating profit, |  27.1 |  24.7 |    9.7 |  72.8 |  64.3 |  100.4 |   91.9 |
| MEUR              |       |       |        |       |       |        |        |
| Operating margin, |  14.5 |  14.3 |        |  13.6 |  12.8 | 13.9 % | 13.3 % |
| %                 |     % |     % |        |     % |     % |        |        |
| Personnel         | 5 261 | 4 390 |   19.8 | 5 261 | 4 390 |        |  4 436 |
*The operating profit and operating margin are presented excluding the EUR 0.8  
million capital gain booked in Q2 2007.                                         

January-September orders received totaled EUR 498.9 million (470.9), showing    
growth of 5.9 percent. The order book increased to EUR 151.6 million (122.8) at 
end September representing growth of 23.5 percent. Sales in the report period   
rose by 6.1 percent to EUR 533.7 million (503.0). Operating profit was EUR 72.8 
million (64.3) and the operating margin 13.6 percent (12.8).                    

The contract base developed favorably, in terms of both value and number of     
units. The total number of equipment included in the maintenance contract base  
increased to 375,605 at end September from 287,460 a year before. The annual    
value of the contract base increased to EUR 122 million from EUR 104 million    
respectively. During the third quarter, in addition to organic growth,          
approximately 39,000 units were added to the contract base mainly due to        
reviewing and restating the contract base in P&H.                               

Third quarter order intake grew by 9.9 percent and totaled EUR 170.1 million    
(154.8). Order intake was good in all regions but especially in the APAC and    
EMEA areas. Compared with the second quarter 2008, order intake was slightly    
down mainly due to slower orders for modernizations.                            

Third-quarter sales totaled EUR 187.2 million (173.2), representing growth of   
8.1 percent compared with a year before. Of the regions, sales grew most in     
EMEA. The operating profit rose to EUR 27.1 million (24.7), and the operating   
margin to 14.5 percent (14.3).                                                  

The number of service technicians at end September was 3,614, which is 461 and  
15 percent more than at end September 2007. Since end December 2007 the number  
of technicians has increased by 433 or 14 percent. In January-September 2008,   
the number of technicians increased through acquisitions by 224.                

Standard Lifting                                                                

|                   |  7-9/ |  7-9/ | Change |  1-9/ |  1-9/ |   R12M |  2007* |
|                   |  2008 |  2007 | percen |  2008 | 2007* |        |        |
|                   |       |       |   t    |       |       |        |        |
| Orders received,  | 223.1 | 188.2 |   18.5 | 690.1 | 559.1 |  874.3 |  743.3 |
| MEUR              |       |       |        |       |       |        |        |
| Order book, MEUR  | 418.2 | 267.7 |   56.2 | 418.2 | 267.7 |        |  270.9 |
| Sales, MEUR       | 206.7 | 163.4 |   26.5 | 579.0 | 452.0 |  765.8 |  638.9 |
| Operating profit, |  38.1 |  25.1 |   51.6 |  99.8 |  61.4 |  128.8 |   90.4 |
| MEUR              |       |       |        |       |       |        |        |
| Operating margin, |  18.4 |  15.4 |        |  17.2 |  13.6 | 16.8 % | 14.2 % |
| %                 |     % |     % |        |     % |     % |        |        |
| Personnel         | 2 669 | 2 412 |   10.7 | 2 669 | 2 412 |        |  2 479 |
*The operating profit and operating margin are presented excluding the EUR 8.9  
million capital gain booked in Q2 2007.                                         

January-September orders received totaled EUR 690.1 million (559.1), showing    
growth of 23.4 percent. The order book increased to EUR 418.2 million (267.7) at
end September representing growth of 56.2 percent. The order book corresponds to
more than five months of sales. Sales rose by 28.1 percent to EUR 579.0 million 
(452.0). Operating profit was EUR 99.8 million (61.4) and operating margin 17.2 
percent (13.6).                                                                 

Order intake in the third quarter grew by 18.5 percent and totaled EUR 223.1    
million (188.2). Order intake grew in all regions but as a percentage growth was
highest in APAC. Compared with the second quarter 2008, order intake declined   
somewhat, mainly due to slower demand in EMEA. Third-quarter sales totaled EUR  
206.7 million (163.4), representing 26.5 percent growth. The operating profit   
increased to EUR 38.1 million (25.1) and the operating margin to 18.4 percent   
(15.4). As in the second quarter, the product mix continued to favor components,
which was also visible in the high profitability.                               

Heavy Lifting                                                                   

|                  |  7-9/ |  7-9/ | Change |  1-9/ |   1-9/ |   R12M |  2007* |
|                  |  2008 |  2007 | percen |  2008 |  2007* |        |        |
|                  |       |       |   t    |       |        |        |        |
| Orders received, | 159.1 | 191.8 |  -17.1 | 569.6 |  455.1 |  734.9 |  620.4 |
| MEUR             |       |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Order book, MEUR | 531.7 | 434.3 |   22.4 | 531.7 |  434.3 |        |  406.1 |
| Sales, MEUR      | 160.5 | 115.0 |   39.6 | 439.6 |  351.3 |  623.9 |  535.7 |
| Operating        |  14.5 |   3.8 |  277.5 |  34.8 |   16.6 |   49.8 |   31.6 |
| profit, MEUR     |       |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Operating        | 9.0 % | 3.3 % |        | 7.9 % |  4.7 % |  8.0 % |  5.9 % |
| margin, %        |       |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Personnel        | 1 393 | 1 269 |    9.8 | 1 393 |  1 269 |        |  1 272 |
*The operating profit and operating margin are presented excluding the EUR 7.9  
million capital gain booked in Q2 2007.                                         

January-September orders received totaled EUR 569.6 million (455.2), showing    
growth of 25.1 percent. The order book increased to EUR 531.7 million (434.3) at
end September representing growth of 22.4 percent. The order book corresponds to
about 10 months of sales. Sales rose by 25.1 percent to EUR 439.6 million       
(351.3). Operating profit was EUR 34.8 million (16.6) and operating margin 7.9  
percent (4.7).                                                                  

Order intake in the third quarter was 17.1 percent less than a year ago and     
totaled EUR 159.1 million (191.8). Order intake in lift trucks and process      
cranes continued strong in all regions, but the total orders received decreased 
due to low orders for port and shipyard cranes. Compared with the second quarter
2008, order intake was stable for process cranes but declined substantially for 
port equipment. Third-quarter sales totaled EUR 160.5 million (115.0),          
representing 39.6 percent growth. The operating profit increased to EUR 14.5    
million (3.8) and the operating margin rose to 9.0 percent (3.3). Improvement in
the margin was supported by favorable product mix as well as the fact that the  
margin a year before was burdened by supply chain bottlenecks and cost overruns 
in some projects.                                                               

Group Overhead                                                                  
Unallocated Group overhead costs in the reporting period were EUR -31.4 million 
(-24.6), representing 2.2 percent of sales (2.0).                               

SHARE CAPITAL, SHARES AND STOCK OPTIONS                                         

The company's registered share capital at 30 September 2008 totaled EUR 30.1    
million. At 30 September 2008, the number of shares including treasury shares   
totaled 61,424,020. In January 2008, EUR 1.6 million was used for repurchases   
of own shares on the basis of the authorization of the 2007 AGM and the decision
of Konecranes Board in 2007. At 30 September, Konecranes held a total of        
2,542,600 treasury shares, which corresponds to 4.1 percent of the total number 
of shares and which at that date had a market value of EUR 42.2 million.        

The AGM in March 2008 authorized the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase
a maximum of 6,097,878 of the company's own shares. The authorization is valid  
until the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, however no longer than   
until 12 September 2009. The Board of Directors did not exercise this           
authorization to buy own shares during the report period.                       

The AGM in March 2008 authorized the Board of Directors to resolve upon share   
issue as well as upon issue of stock option rights, convertible bonds and other 
special rights entitling to shares. Shares issued on the basis of the           
authorization are new shares of the company. The authorization is limited to    
issuance of a maximum of 12,195,756 shares. The authorization does not concern  
resolving upon a personnel stock option plan. Details of the authorization are  
explained in more detail in the release covering the resolutions of the AGM,    
which is available on the company's website at www.konecranes.com.              

Pursuant to Konecranes' stock option plans, 52,600 new shares were subscribed   
for and registered in the Finnish Trade Register during the third quarter. As a 
result of these subscriptions, the total number of Konecranes shares increased  
to 61,424,020 shares.                                                           

The outstanding stock options at the end of September entitle holders to        
subscribe a total of 2,599,700 shares. The terms and conditions of the stock    
option programs are available on Konecranes' website at www.konecranes.com.     

MARKET CAPITALIZATION AND TRADING VOLUME                                        

The closing price for Konecranes Plc's shares on 30 September, 2008 was EUR     
16.61. The volume-weighted average share price in January-September was EUR     
23.37, the highest price being EUR 32.50 in May and the lowest EUR 15.40 in     
September. In January-September, the trading volume totaled 134 million         
Konecranes Plc's shares, corresponding to a turnover of approximately EUR 3,124 
million and an annualized turnover rate of approximately 290 percent of the     
total number of outstanding shares. The daily average trading volume was 701,275
shares, representing a daily average turnover of EUR 16.4 million.              

On 30 September, 2008, the total market capitalization of Konecranes Plc's      
shares was EUR 1,020.3 million, including treasury shares held by the company.  

FLAGGING NOTIFICATIONS                                                          

Barclay Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd informed Konecranes that the total     
number of shares owned by the group totaled 3,444,786 on February 28, 2008,     
corresponding to 5.64 percent of the paid up share capital of Konecranes.       

No other disclosures of changes in holdings were received during the report     

EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD                                    

Barclay Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd informed Konecranes that the total     
number of shares owned by the group totaled 2,999,322 on October 9, 2008,       
corresponding to 4.88 percent of the paid up share capital of Konecranes.       

Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company informed Konecranes that the total   
number of shares owned by the group totaled 3,126,689 on October 16, 2008,      
corresponding to 5.09 percent of the paid up share capital of Konecranes.       

No other disclosures of changes in holdings were received until the release of  
this report.                                                                    

SHORT-TERM RISKS                                                                

We have assessed that the principal short-term risks and uncertainties relate to
general developments in the world economy, and to the prices and availability of
certain components.                                                             

If the turmoil in the financial markets develops into a widespread shortage of  
credit and thus into a general global economic downturn, demand for Konecranes's
products and services could be affected and potentially lead to postponed       
projects, cancellations of orders and credit losses.                            

Currency rate fluctuations can significantly affect the company's performance.  
The USD/EUR exchange rate has the largest impact on financial performance       
through a combination of the translational effect and transactional exposure.   
The combined impact of a depreciation of one percentage point in the USD/EUR    
rate is somewhat more than EUR -1 million in operating profit annually,         
excluding the effect of currency hedging.                                       

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

The underlying demand for lifting equipment and services is solid but the       
effects of the financial crisis have started to become visible. In the fourth   
quarter specifically, fears of a shortage of credit are affecting customer      
behavior so that the order intake in the fourth quarter may be lower than in the
third quarter 2008.                                                             

However, Konecranes is well equipped to face the uncertainty in the world       
economy. The high share of its business is in services, which are considered to 
be more stable also in a slower economic environment, and almost half of the new
equipment business comes from emerging markets. Konecranes also has a strong    
financial position which is highly appreciated by customers.                    

The financial outlook for 2008 is unchanged. Konecranes targets the full year   
sales to increase by 15-20 percent compared with 2007. The operating margin is  
targeted to exceed the comparable level of 10.0 percent (excluding capital gain)
achieved in 2007.                                                               

This interim report is unaudited.                                               

Helsinki, 29 October, 2008                                                      
Konecranes Plc                                                                  
Board of Directors                                                              

It should be noted that certain statements in this report, which are not        
historical facts, including, without limitation, those regarding                
- expectations for general economic development and market situation,           
- expectations for general developments in the industry,                        
- expectations regarding customer industry profitability and investment         
- expectations for company growth, development and profitability,               
- expectations regarding market demand for the company's products and services, 
- expectations regarding the successful completion of acquisitions on a timely  
basis and our ability to achieve the set targets and synergies,                 
- expectations regarding competitive conditions,                                
- expectations regarding cost savings,                                          
- and statements preceded by "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees" or
similar expressions,                                                            
are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current           
expectations, decisions and plans and currently known facts. Therefore, they    
involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to materially   
differ from the results currently expected by the company.  Such factors        
include, but are not limited to,                                                
- general economic conditions, including fluctuations in exchange rates and     
interest levels,                                                                
- the competitive situation, especially significant products or services        
developed by our competitors,                                                   
- industry conditions,                                                          
- the company's own operating factors, including the success of production,     
product development, project management, quality, and timely delivery of our    
products and services and their continuous development,                         
- the success of pending and future acquisitions and restructurings.            

SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES                                          

Accounting Principles                                                           

The presented financial information is prepared accordance with International   
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU.
Konecranes applies the same accounting policies as were applied in the 2007     
annual financial statements, except for the change in Segment reporting. The    
change in the Segment reporting method is that the non-Konecranes branded spare 
parts business is included in the Service Business area, where previously it was
reported in Standard and Heavy Lifting. The spare part business for             
Konecranes-branded products was included in the Service Business area as of     
2007. The 2007 comparison figures according to the new reporting structure are  
restated accordingly.                                                           

The key figures in this interim financial report are calculated with same       
accounting principles than in year 2007 annual financial statements. The        
calculation rules of key figures are presented in the financial statements of   
the previous year.                                                              

The figures presented in the tables below have been rounded to one decimal,     
which should be taken into account when reading the sum figures.                

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF  |       |         |           |        |          |
| INCOME - IFRS              |       |         |           |        |          |
| EUR million       |   7-9/ |  7-9/ |    1-9/ |      1-9/ | Change |    1-12/ |
|                   |   2008 |  2007 |    2008 |     2007* |        |    2007* |
| Sales             |  520,4 | 424,4 | 1 452,1 |   1 227,0 |   18,3 |  1 749,7 |
| Other operating   |    0,5 |   0,6 |     2,4 |      19,5 |        |     20,3 |
| income            |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Depreciation and  |   -6.7 |  -5.7 |   -19.3 |     -17.8 |        |    -24.6 |
| impairments       |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Other operating   | -445.3 | -373. |      -1 |  -1 096.8 |        | -1 553.1 |
| expenses          |        |     8 |   262.9 |           |        |          |
| Operating profit  |   69.0 |  45.5 |   172.3 |     131.9 |   30.6 |    192.3 |
| Share of          |   -0.8 |   0.4 |    -0.4 |       0.7 |        |      0.7 |
| associate         |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| companies' and    |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| joint ventures'   |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| result            |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Financial income  |   -4.6 |  -4.3 |    -9.4 |     -10.7 |        |    -14.3 |
| and expenses      |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Profit before     |   63.5 |  41.5 |   162.4 |     121.9 |   33.2 |    178.8 |
| taxes             |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Taxes             |  -18.1 | -12.0 |   -45.8 |     -35.4 |        |    -49.6 |
| Net profit for    |   45.4 |  29.5 |   116.6 |      86.6 |   34.7 |    129.2 |
| the period        |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Net profit for    |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| the period        |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| attributable to:  |        |       |         |           |        |          |
|  Shareholders of  |   45.4 |  29.5 |   116.5 |      86.6 |        |    129.2 |
| the parent        |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| company           |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Minority interest |    0.0 |   0.0 |     0.1 |       0.0 |        |      0.0 |
| Earnings per      |   0.77 |  0.49 |    1.99 |      1.45 |   36.9 |     2.17 |
| share, basic      |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| (EUR)             |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| Earnings per      |   0.77 |  0.48 |    1.97 |      1.43 |   38.2 |     2.13 |
| share, diluted    |        |       |         |           |        |          |
| (EUR)             |        |       |         |           |        |          |

*The income statement is presented including the capital gain on the sale of    
real estate booked in Q2 2007.                                                  

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET - IFRS  |            |             |              |
| EUR million                        |            |             |              |
| ASSETS                             |  30.9.2008 |  30.09.2007 |   31.12.2007 |
| Non-current assets                 |            |             |              |
| Goodwill                           |       59.8 |        58.4 |         56.8 |
| Other intangible assets            |       63.5 |        61.1 |         59.4 |
| Property, plant and equipment      |       66.3 |        59.4 |         61.9 |
| Advance payments and construction  |        4.4 |         5.1 |          4.7 |
| in progress                        |            |             |              |
| Investments accounted for using    |        3.6 |         6.7 |          6.3 |
| the equity method                  |            |             |              |
| Available-for-sale investments     |        2.2 |         2.4 |          2.4 |
| Long-term loans receivable         |        1.5 |         1.0 |          1.7 |
| Deferred tax assets                |       31.2 |        28.1 |         24.9 |
| Total non-current assets           |      232.4 |       222.2 |        218.0 |
| Current assets                     |            |             |              |
| Inventories                        |            |             |              |
| Raw material and semi-manufactured |      143.7 |       106.2 |        105.3 |
| goods                              |            |             |              |
|    Work in progress                |      191.1 |       137.2 |        129.9 |
|    Advance payments                |       24.8 |        25.0 |         16.0 |
| Total inventories                  |      359.6 |       268.3 |        251.2 |
| Accounts receivable                |      372.2 |       307.9 |        328.0 |
| Loans receivable                   |        0.7 |         0.3 |          0.2 |
| Other receivables                  |       28.5 |        23.2 |         18.9 |
| Deferred assets                    |      111.4 |        90.8 |         84.6 |
| Cash and cash equivalents          |       75.1 |        57.3 |         56.0 |
| Total current assets               |      947.4 |       747.8 |        738.9 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |    1 179.8 |       970.1 |        956.9 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES             |  30.9.2008 |  30.09.2007 |   31.12.2007 |
| Equity attributable to equity      |            |             |              |
| holders of the parent company      |            |             |              |
| Share capital                      |       30.1 |        30.1 |         30.1 |
| Share premium account              |       39.3 |        39.3 |         39.3 |
| Share issues                       |        0.1 |         0.0 |          0.0 |
| Fair value reserves                |        2.5 |         4.2 |          3.3 |
| Translation difference             |      -12.8 |        -9.2 |        -12.9 |
| Paid in capital                    |        6.0 |         5.6 |          4.7 |
| Retained earnings                  |      171.2 |       130.4 |         87.0 |
| Net profit for the period          |      116.5 |        86.6 |        129.2 |
| Total equity attributable to       |      353.0 |       287.1 |        280.7 |
| equity holders of the parent       |            |             |              |
| company                            |            |             |              |
| Minority interest                  |        1.5 |         0.1 |          0.1 |
| Total equity                       |      354.6 |       287.1 |        280.8 |
| Non-current liabilities            |            |             |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |       34.5 |        74.2 |         45.7 |
| Other long-term liabilities        |       57.0 |        57.6 |         57.3 |
| Deferred tax liabilities           |       18.0 |        19.9 |         15.8 |
| Total non-current liabilities      |      109.5 |       151.8 |        118.8 |
| Provisions                         |       41.8 |        30.5 |         37.2 |
| Current liabilities                |            |             |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |       74.0 |        48.6 |         31.8 |
| Advance payments received          |      245.8 |       158.7 |        179.1 |
| Progress billings                  |        6.8 |         2.0 |          2.7 |
| Accounts payable                   |      114.5 |        98.5 |        120.4 |
| Other short-term liabilities       |       24.5 |        25.2 |         22.8 |
| (non-interest bearing)             |            |             |              |
| Accruals                           |      208.3 |       167.6 |        163.3 |
| Total current liabilities          |      673.9 |       500.7 |        520.1 |
| Total liabilities                  |      825.2 |       682.9 |        676.1 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES       |    1 179.8 |       970.1 |        956.9 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN     |         |           |             |
| EQUITY - IFRS                            |         |           |             |
|                      | Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent   |
|                      | company                                               |
| EUR million          |  Share |   Share  |   Share |      Fair | Translation |
|                      | capita |  premium |  issues |     value |  difference |
|                      |      l |  account |         |  reserves |             |
| Balance at           |   30.1 |     39.3 |     0.0 |       3.3 |       -12.9 |
| 1 January, 2008      |        |          |         |           |             |
| Option exercised     |        |          |         |           |             |
| Share issue          |        |          |     0.1 |           |             |
| Dividends paid to    |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity holders       |        |          |         |           |             |
| Dividends paid to    |        |          |         |           |             |
| minority interest    |        |          |         |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge      |        |          |         |      -0.8 |             |
| Translation          |        |          |         |           |         0.1 |
| difference           |        |          |         |           |             |
| Share based payments |        |          |         |           |             |
| recognized against   |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury |        |          |         |           |             |
| shares               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Business             |        |          |         |           |             |
| combinations         |        |          |         |           |             |
| Net profit for the   |        |          |         |           |             |
| period               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |   30.1 |     39.3 |     0.1 |       2.5 |       -12.8 |
| 30 September, 2008   |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |   30.0 |     39.0 |     0.0 |       3.7 |        -5.8 |
| 1 January, 2007      |        |          |         |           |             |
| Option exercised     |    0.0 |      0.3 |         |           |             |
| Share issue          |        |          |         |           |             |
| Dividends paid to    |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity holders       |        |          |         |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge      |        |          |         |       0.5 |             |
| Translation          |        |          |         |           |        -3.4 |
| difference           |        |          |         |           |             |
| Share based payments |        |          |         |           |             |
| recognized against   |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury |        |          |         |           |             |
| shares               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Business             |        |          |         |           |             |
| combinations         |        |          |         |           |             |
| Minority interest    |        |          |         |           |             |
| Net profit for the   |        |          |         |           |             |
| period               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |   30.1 |     39.3 |     0.0 |       4.2 |        -9.2 |
| 30 September, 2007   |        |          |         |           |             |
|                      | Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent   |
|                      | company                                               |
| EUR million          |   Paid | Retained |   Total |  Minority |       Total |
|                      |     in | earnings |         |  interest |      equity |
|                      | Capita |          |         |           |             |
|                      |      l |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |    4.7 |    216.2 |   280.7 |       0.1 |       280.8 |
| 1 January, 2008      |        |          |         |           |             |
| Option exercised     |    2.9 |          |     2.9 |           |         2.9 |
| Share issue          |        |          |     0.1 |           |         0.1 |
| Dividends paid to    |        |    -46.8 |   -46.8 |           |       -46.8 |
| equity holders       |        |          |         |           |             |
| Dividends paid to    |        |          |     0.0 |      -0.1 |        -0.1 |
| minority interest    |        |          |         |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge      |        |          |    -0.8 |           |        -0.8 |
| Translation          |        |          |     0.1 |           |         0.1 |
| difference           |        |          |         |           |             |
| Share based payments |        |      1.8 |     1.8 |           |         1.8 |
| recognized against   |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury |   -1.6 |          |    -1.6 |           |        -1.6 |
| shares               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Business             |        |          |     0.0 |       1.5 |         1.5 |
| combinations         |        |          |         |           |             |
| Net profit for the   |        |    116.5 |   116.5 |       0.1 |       116.6 |
| period               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |    6.0 |    287.7 |   353.0 |       1.5 |       354.6 |
| 30 September, 2008   |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |    0.5 |    156.3 |   223.7 |      0.1  |      223.7  |
| 1 January, 2007      |        |          |         |           |             |
| Option exercised     |    5.1 |          |     5.5 |           |         5.5 |
| Share issue          |        |          |     0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| Dividends paid to    |        |    -26.7 |   -26.7 |           |       -26.7 |
| equity holders       |        |          |         |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge      |        |          |     0.5 |           |         0.5 |
| Translation          |        |          |    -3.4 |           |        -3.4 |
| difference           |        |          |         |           |             |
| Share based payments |        |      0.9 |     0.9 |           |         0.9 |
| recognized against   |        |          |         |           |             |
| equity               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury |        |          |     0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| shares               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Business             |        |          |     0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| combinations         |        |          |         |           |             |
| Minority interest    |        |          |     0.0 |       0.0 |         0.0 |
| Net profit for the   |        |     86.6 |    86.6 |           |        86.6 |
| period               |        |          |         |           |             |
| Balance at           |    5.6 |    217.0 |   287.1 |       0.1 |       287.1 |
| 30 September, 2007   |        |          |         |           |             |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - IFRS             |           |            |
| EUR million                            |   1-9/2008 |  1-9/2007 |  1-12/2007 |
| Cash flow from operating activities    |            |           |            |
| Net profit for the period              |      116.6 |      86.6 |      129.2 |
| Adjustments to net profit for the      |            |           |            |
| period                                 |            |           |            |
|    Taxes                               |       45.8 |      35.4 |       49.6 |
|    Financial income and expenses       |        9.7 |      10.7 |       14.5 |
| Share of associate companies' and      |        0.4 |      -0.7 |       -0.7 |
| joint ventures' result                 |            |           |            |
|    Dividend income                     |       -0.3 |       0.0 |       -0.2 |
|    Depreciation and impairments        |       19.3 |      17.8 |       24.6 |
|   Profits and losses on sale of fixed  |        0.3 |     -17.8 |      -18.0 |
|    assets                              |            |           |            |
|    Other adjustments                   |        0.2 |      -0.4 |       -0.2 |
| Operating income before change in net  |      192.0 |     131.6 |      198.7 |
| working capital                        |            |           |            |
| Change in interest-free short-term     |      -52.5 |       4.9 |      -14.9 |
| receivables                            |            |           |            |
| Change in inventories                  |     -100.2 |     -41.9 |      -28.3 |
| Change in interest-free short-term     |       91.8 |      32.1 |       77.6 |
| liabilities                            |            |           |            |
| Change in net working capital          |      -60.9 |      -4.8 |       34.4 |
| Cash flow from operations before       |      131.1 |     126.7 |      233.2 |
| financing items and taxes              |            |           |            |
| Interest received                      |        2.7 |       1.7 |        2.2 |
| Interest paid                          |       -5.0 |      -9.1 |      -10.8 |
| Other financial income and expenses    |       -4.0 |      -1.7 |       -0.4 |
| Income taxes paid                      |      -51.2 |     -31.0 |      -40.7 |
| Financing items and taxes              |      -57.5 |     -40.1 |      -49.7 |
| Net cash from operating activities     |       73.6 |      86.6 |      183.5 |
| Cash flow from investing activities    |            |           |            |
| Acquisition of Group companies, net of |      -10.1 |     -13.5 |      -13.8 |
| cash                                   |            |           |            |
| Acquisition of shares in associated    |        0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |
| companies                              |            |           |            |
| Investments in other shares            |       -0.2 |      -0.5 |       -0.5 |
| Capital expenditures                   |      -18.5 |     -15.8 |      -22.5 |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed assets     |        0.7 |      31.8 |       32.3 |
| Dividends received                     |        0.3 |       0.0 |        0.2 |
| Net cash used in investing activities  |      -27.8 |       2.0 |       -4.4 |
| Cash flow before financing activities  |       45.8 |      88.6 |      179.1 |
| Cash flow from financing activities    |            |           |            |
| Proceeds from options exercised and    |        3.0 |       5.5 |        6.7 |
| share issues                           |            |           |            |
| Purchase of treasury shares            |       -2.5 |       0.0 |      -46.0 |
| Proceeds from long-term borrowings     |       40.0 |     -49.3 |      100.1 |
| Repayments of long-term borrowings     |      -52.9 |       0.0 |     -177.8 |
| Proceeds from (+), payments of (-)     |       33.0 |      -3.5 |      -20.8 |
| short-term borrowings                  |            |           |            |
| Change in long-term receivables        |        0.2 |       0.0 |       -1.3 |
| Change in short-term receivables       |       -0.5 |      -0.7 |        0.0 |
| Dividends paid to equity holders of    |      -46.8 |     -26.7 |      -26.7 |
| the parent                             |            |           |            |
| Dividends paid to minority interest    |       -0.1 |       0.0 |        0.0 |
| Net cash used in financing activities  |      -26.6 |     -74.7 |     -165.8 |
| Translation differences in cash        |       -0.1 |      -1.0 |       -1.7 |
| Change of cash and cash equivalents    |       19.2 |      13.0 |       11.6 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning |       56.0 |      44.4 |       44.4 |
| of period                              |            |           |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of    |       75.1 |      57.3 |       56.0 |
| period                                 |            |           |            |
| Change of cash and cash equivalents    |       19.2 |      13.0 |       11.6 |

The effect of changes in exchange rates has been eliminated by converting the   
beginning balance at the rates current on                                       
the last day of the year.                                                       

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
1. BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                            

The 2007 comparison figures by Business Area according to the new reporting     
structure are presented in the table below.                                     

|                    | Re-sta | Re-st | Re-stat | Re-stat | Re-stat | Reported |
|                    |    ted |  ated |      ed |      ed |      ed |          |
|                    |  Q1/07 | Q2/07 |   Q3/07 |   Q4/07 |   2007* |    2007* |
| Service            |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Orders received,   |  159.0 | 157.2 |   154.8 |   152.4 |   623.4 |    563.0 |
| MEUR               |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Sales, MEUR        |  163.2 | 166.7 |   173.2 |   189.1 |   692.2 |    628.6 |
| Operating profit   |   18.5 |  21.1 |    24.7 |    27.6 |    91.9 |     78.7 |
| (EBIT), MEUR       |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Operating margin,  |   11.3 |  12.7 |    14.3 |    14.6 |    13.3 |     12.5 |
| %                  |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Standard Lifting   |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Orders received,   |  183.4 | 187.5 |   188.2 |   184.2 |   743.3 |    793.8 |
| MEUR               |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Sales, MEUR        |  131.8 | 156.8 |   163.4 |   186.9 |   638.9 |    692.6 |
| Operating profit   |   14.3 |  21.9 |    25.1 |    29.0 |    90.4 |    101.2 |
| (EBIT), MEUR       |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Operating margin,  |   10.9 |  14.0 |    15.4 |    15.5 |    14.2 |     14.6 |
| %                  |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Heavy Lifting      |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Orders received,   |  114.9 | 148.4 |   191.8 |   165.3 |   620.4 |    633.9 |
| MEUR               |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Sales, MEUR        |  110.6 | 125.8 |   115.0 |   184.4 |   535.7 |    549.0 |
| Operating profit   |    7.3 |   5.5 |     3.8 |    15.0 |    31.6 |     34.0 |
| (EBIT), MEUR       |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Operating margin,  |    6.6 |   4.4 |     3.3 |     8.1 |     5.9 |      6.2 |
| %                  |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| *Operating profit  |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| (EBIT) and margin, |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| excluding the EUR  |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| 17.6 million       |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| capital gain       |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| booked in Q2 2007. |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| EUR million        |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Orders received by |   1-9/ |  % of |    1-9/ |    % of |   1-12/ |     % of |
| Business Area      |   2008 | total |    2007 |   total |    2007 |    total |
| Service 1)         |  498.9 |    28 |   470.9 |      32 |   623.4 |       31 |
| Standard Lifting   |  690.1 |    39 |   559.1 |      38 |   743.3 |       37 |
| Heavy Lifting      |  569.6 |    32 |   455.1 |      31 |   620.4 |       31 |
| ./. Internal       | -101.1 |       |   -84.2 |         |  -115.1 |          |
| Total              |      1 |   100 | 1 401.0 |     100 | 1 872.0 |      100 |
|                    |  657.5 |       |         |         |         |          |
| 1) Excl. Service   |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Contract Base      |        |       |         |         |         |          |
|                    |  30.9. |  % of |  30.09. |    % of | 31.12.2 |     % of |
|                    |   2008 | total |    2007 |   total |     007 |    total |
| Order book total   |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| 2)                 |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Service            |  151.6 |    14 |   122.8 |      15 |   109.3 |       14 |
| Standard Lifting   |  418.2 |    38 |   267.7 |      32 |   270.9 |       34 |
| Heavy Lifting      |  531.7 |    48 |   434.3 |      53 |   406.1 |       52 |
| ./. Internal       |  -36.4 |       |   -29.9 |         |   -28.4 |          |
| Total              |      1 |   100 |   794.8 |     100 |   757.9 |      100 |
|                    |  065.2 |       |         |         |         |          |
| 2) Percentage of   |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| completion         |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| deducted           |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Sales by Business  |   1-9/ |  % of |    1-9/ |    % of |   1-12/ |     % of |
| Area               |   2008 | total |    2007 |   total |    2007 |    total |
| Service            |  533.7 |    34 |   503.0 |      39 |   692.2 |       37 |
| Standard Lifting   |  579.0 |    37 |   452.0 |      35 |   638.9 |       34 |
| Heavy Lifting      |  439.6 |    28 |   351.3 |      27 |   535.7 |       29 |
| ./. Internal       | -100.2 |       |   -79.4 |         |  -116.9 |          |
| Total              |      1 |   100 | 1 227.0 |     100 | 1 749.7 |      100 |
|                    |  452.1 |       |         |         |         |          |
| Operating profit   |   1-9/ |  EBIT |    MEUR |    1-9/ |    MEUR |    1-12/ |
| (EBIT) by Business |   2008 |     % |         |    2007 |         |     2007 |
| Area without gain  |   MEUR |       |         |  EBIT % |         |   EBIT % |
| on the sale of     |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| real estate        |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Service            |   72.8 |  13.6 |    64.3 |    12.8 |    91.9 |     13.3 |
| Standard Lifting   |   99.8 |  17.2 |    61.4 |    13.6 |    90.4 |     14.2 |
| Heavy Lifting      |   34.8 |   7.9 |    16.6 |     4.7 |    31.6 |      5.9 |
| Group costs        |  -31.4 |       |   -24.6 |         |   -36.8 |          |
| Consolidation      |   -3.7 |       |    -3.3 |         |    -2.3 |          |
| items              |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Total              |  172.3 |  11.9 |   114.4 |     9.3 |   174.7 |     10.0 |
| Total operating    |   1-9/ |       |    1-9/ |         |   1-12/ |          |
| profit (EBIT) by   |   2008 |       |    2007 |         |    2007 |          |
| Business Area      |        |       |         |         |         |          |
|                    |   MEUR |  EBIT |    MEUR |  EBIT % |    MEUR |   EBIT % |
|                    |        |     % |         |         |         |          |
| Service            |   72.8 |  13.6 |    65.1 |    12.9 |    92.7 |     13.4 |
| Standard Lifting   |   99.8 |  17.2 |    70.3 |    15.6 |    99.3 |     15.5 |
| Heavy Lifting      |   34.8 |   7.9 |    24.5 |     7.0 |    39.5 |      7.4 |
| Group costs        |  -31.4 |       |   -24.6 |         |   -36.8 |          |
| Consolidation      |   -3.7 |       |    -3.3 |         |    -2.3 |          |
| items              |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Total              |  172.3 |  11.9 |   131.9 |    10.8 |   192.3 |     11.0 |
| Personnel by       |  30.9. |       |  30.09. |         |  31.12. |          |
| Business Area      |   2008 |       |    2007 |         |    2007 |          |
| (at the end of the |        |  % of |         |    % of |         |     % of |
| period)            |        | total |         |   total |         |    total |
| Service            |  5 261 |    55 |   4 390 |      53 |   4 436 |       53 |
| Standard Lifting   |  2 669 |    28 |   2 412 |      29 |   2 479 |       29 |
| Heavy Lifting      |  1 393 |    15 |   1 269 |      15 |   1 272 |       15 |
| Group staff        |    279 |     3 |     213 |       3 |     217 |        3 |
| Total              |  9 602 |   100 |   8 284 |     100 |   8 404 |      100 |
| 2. GEOGRAPHICAL    |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| SEGMENTS           |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| EUR million        |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Sales by market    |   1-9/ |  % of |    1-9/ |    % of |   1-12/ |     % of |
|                    |   2008 | total |    2007 |   total |    2007 |    total |
| Europe-Middle      |  827.2 |    57 |   653.8 |      53 |   951.4 |       54 |
| East-Africa (EMEA) |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Americas (AME)     |  413.6 |    28 |   430.2 |      35 |   589.7 |       34 |
| Asia-Pacific       |  211.3 |    15 |   143.0 |      12 |   208.6 |       12 |
| (APAC)             |        |       |         |         |         |          |
| Total              |      1 |   100 | 1 227.0 |     100 | 1 749.7 |      100 |
|                    |  452.1 |       |         |         |         |          |


| KEY FIGURES                  |  1-9/2008 |  1-9/2007 |  Change |   1-12/2007 |
|                              |           |           |       % |             |
| Earnings per share, basic    |      1.99 |      1.45 |    37.0 |        2.17 |
| (EUR)                        |           |           |         |             |
| Earnings per share, diluted  |      1.97 |      1.43 |    38.3 |        2.13 |
| (EUR)                        |           |           |         |             |
| Return on capital employed   |      52.3 |      42.0 |    24.5 |        50.4 |
| %, Rolling 12 Months (R12M)  |           |           |         |             |
| Return on equity %, Rolling  |      49.6 |      47.5 |     4.4 |        51.2 |
| 12 Months (R12M)             |           |           |         |             |
| Equity per share, EUR        |      6.00 |      4.78 |    25.5 |        4.80 |
| Current ratio                |       1.3 |       1.4 |    -7.1 |         1.3 |
| Gearing %                    |       8.8 |      22.4 |   -60.7 |         7.0 |
| Solidity %                   |      38.0 |      35.4 |     7.3 |        36.1 |
| EBITDA                       |     191.6 |     149.7 |    28.0 |       217.0 |
| Investments total (excl.     |      18.8 |      18.1 |     3.9 |        25.2 |
| acquisitions), EUR million   |           |           |         |             |
| Interest-bearing net debt,   |      31.1 |      64.2 |   -51.5 |        19.7 |
| EUR million                  |           |           |         |             |
| Net working capital, EUR     |     243.1 |     215.8 |    12.6 |       166.4 |
| million                      |           |           |         |             |
| Average number of personnel  |     9 051 |     7 905 |    14.5 |       8 005 |
| during the period            |           |           |         |             |
| Average number of shares     |        58 |        59 |    -1.7 |  59 608 990 |
| outstanding, basic           |   649 580 |   640 712 |         |             |
| Average number of shares     |        59 |        60 |    -2.6 |  60 507 038 |
| outstanding, diluted         |   096 836 |   676 321 |         |             |
| Number of shares             |        58 |        60 |    -1.9 |  58 505 780 |
| outstanding, at end of the   |   881 420 |   048 980 |         |             |
| period                       |           |           |         |             |

| The period end exchange   |  30.9.2008 | 30.09.2007 |  Change % | 31.12.2007 |
| rates:                    |            |            |           |            |
| USD - US dollar           |      1.464 |      1.418 |      -3.1 |      1.472 |
| CAD - Canadian dollar     |      1.515 |      1.412 |      -6.8 |      1.445 |
| GBP - Pound sterling      |      0.795 |      0.697 |     -12.3 |      0.733 |
| CNY - Chinese yuan        |     10.026 |     10.643 |       6.2 |     10.752 |
| SGD - Singapore dollar    |      2.086 |      2.107 |       1.0 |      2.116 |
| SEK - Swedish krona       |      9.687 |      9.215 |      -4.9 |      9.442 |
| NOK - Norwegian krone     |      8.268 |      7.719 |      -6.6 |      7.958 |
| AUD - Australian dollar   |      1.766 |      1.607 |      -9.0 |      1.676 |
| The period average        |  30.9.2008 | 30.09.2007 |  Change % | 31.12.2007 |
| exchange rates:           |            |            |           |            |
| USD - US dollar           |      1.522 |      1.344 |     -11.7 |      1.370 |
| CAD - Canadian dollar     |      1.549 |      1.484 |      -4.2 |      1.468 |
| GBP - Pound sterling      |      0.782 |      0.676 |     -13.5 |      0.684 |
| CNY - Chinese yuan        |     10.634 |     10.299 |      -3.2 |     10.416 |
| SGD - Singapore dollar    |      2.116 |      2.049 |      -3.2 |      2.063 |
| SEK - Swedish krona       |      9.406 |      9.237 |      -1.8 |      9.249 |
| NOK - Norwegian krone     |      7.983 |      8.062 |       1.0 |      8.016 |
| AUD - Australian dollar   |      1.668 |      1.637 |      -1.8 |      1.635 |

| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND        |            |             |               |
| PLEDGED ASSETS                    |            |             |               |
| EUR million                       |  30.9.2008 |  30.09.2007 |    31.12.2007 |
| Contingent liabilities            |            |             |               |
| For own debts                     |            |             |               |
|   Mortgages on land and buildings |        0.0 |         0.0 |           0.0 |
| For own commercial obligations    |            |             |               |
|   Pledged assets                  |        0.1 |         1.2 |           0.3 |
|   Guarantees                      |      223.1 |       227.9 |         255.3 |
| Other contingent liabilities and  |            |             |               |
| financial liabilities             |            |             |               |
| Leasing liabilities               |            |             |               |
|   Next year                       |       26.1 |        16.0 |          24.1 |
|   Later on                        |       62.3 |        55.4 |          63.7 |
| Other                             |        0.2 |         1.1 |           0.0 |
| Total                             |      311.8 |       301.6 |         343.5 |
| Leasing contracts follow the      |            |             |               |
| normal practices in corresponding |            |             |               |
| countries.                        |            |             |               |
| Total by category                 |            |             |               |
| Mortgages on land and buildings   |        0.0 |         0.0 |           0.0 |
| Pledged assets                    |        0.1 |         1.2 |           0.3 |
| Guarantees                        |      223.1 |       227.9 |         255.3 |
| Other liabilities                 |       88.6 |        72.5 |          87.9 |
| Total                             |      311.8 |       301.6 |         343.5 |

Contingent liabilities relating to litigations                                  
Various legal actions, claims and other proceedings are pending against the     
Group in various countries. These actions, claims and other proceedings are     
typical for this industry and consistent with a global business offering that   
encompasses a wide range of products and services. These matters involve        
contractual disputes, warranty claims, product liability (including design      
defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn and asbestos legacy),           
employment, vehicles and other matters involving claims of general liability.   
While the final outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty     
Konecranes is of the opinion, based on the information available to date and    
considering the grounds presented for such claims, available insurance coverage 
and the reserves made, that the outcome of such actions, claims and other       
proceedings, if unfavorable, would not have a material, adverse impact on the   
financial condition of the Group.                                               

| NOMINAL AND FAIR      |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| VALUES OF DERIVATIVE  |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| EUR million           |  30.9. |  30.9. | 30.09. | 30.09. |  31.12. | 31.12. |
|                       |   2008 |   2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
|                       | Nomina |  Fair  | Nomina |  Fair  | Nominal |  Fair  |
|                       |      l |  value |      l |  value |   value |  value |
|                       |  value |        |  value |        |         |        |
| Foreign exchange      |  180.6 |    5.9 |  216.7 |    4.7 |   168.8 |    5.4 |
| forward contracts     |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Electricity           |    1.8 |    0.3 |    1.4 |    0.2 |     0.9 |    0.3 |
| derivatives           |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Total                 |  182.4 |    6.2 |  218.2 |    5.0 |   169.7 |    5.7 |

Derivatives are used for hedging currency and interest rate risks, as well as   
the risk of electricity price fluctuations. The Company applies hedge accounting
on the derivatives used to hedge cash flows in Heavy Lifting projects.          


At the end of January 2008 Konecranes strengthened its position in the machine  
tool service (MTS) business in Scandinavia acquiring the business of the        
Norwegian MTS company Eiker Automasjon AS. On March 6 Konecranes acquired the   
entire share capital of Eydimen 2000 S.L., the Spanish crane and service        
company. Prior to this transaction, Konecranes held 19.2 percent of the share   
capital in Eydimen. Also at the beginning of March Konecranes acquired          
additional 62.8 percent of the Finnish company Nostininnovaatiot Oy. Prior stake
to this company was 17.4 percent. On March 31 Konecranes signed an agreement to 
exercise its options to raise its holding in the joint venture company Meiden   
Hoist System Company, Ltd of Japan from 49.0 to 65.0 percent. During the second 
quarter Konecranes made two acquisitions. In mid April Konecranes acquired      
Spanish company Ausió Sistemas de Elevación S.L. The company specializes in     
manufacturing, sales and service of Industrial cranes and hoists. Also in April 
Konecranes acquired the Ukrainian service company Craneservice Ukraine. During  
the third quarter                                                               
Konecranes acquired three companies. In July Konecranes acquired two MTS        
companies in United Kingdom; K&B Europe Ltd. and  K&B Machine Tool Services Ltd.
and in Denmark the port crane service company Aarhus Maskinfabrik A/S.          

The preliminary fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the   
acquired businesses at the date of acquisitions are summarized below.           

| EUR million                               |        30.9.2008 |     30.9.2008 |
|                                           |    Recognized on |     Carrying  |
|                                           |      acquisition |         value |
| Intangible assets                         |             10.9 |           1.2 |
| Tangible assets                           |              1.5 |           1.5 |
| Deferred tax assets                       |              0.4 |           0.4 |
| Inventories                               |              7.8 |           7.2 |
| Account receivables and other assets      |             15.6 |          16.4 |
| Cash and bank                             |              1.8 |           1.8 |
| Total assets                              |             38.1 |          28.5 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                  |              3.4 |           0.0 |
| Account payables                          |             10.0 |          10.0 |
| Other liabilities                         |             10.8 |          10.8 |
| Minority interest                         |              1.4 |           1.4 |
| Total liabilities                         |             25.4 |          22.1 |
| Net assets                                |             12.7 |           6.4 |
| Acquisition costs                         |             16.4 |               |
| Goodwill                                  |              3.7 |               |
| Cash outflow on acquisition               |                  |               |
| Acquisition costs                         |             16.4 |               |
| Cash flow of earlier interests in         |             -2.7 |               |
| acquired businesses                       |                  |               |
| Liabilities assumed                       |             -1.8 |               |
| Acquisition costs paid in cash            |             11.9 |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents of acquired     |             -1.8 |               |
| companies                                 |                  |               |
| Net cash flow arising on acquisition      |             10.1 |               |

QUARTERLY FIGURES:                                                              
STATEMENT OF INCOME - IFRS, QUARTERLY                                           

| CONSOLIDATED  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| EUR million   |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
|               |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Sales         |  520.4 |  492.4 | 439.2 |  522.8 |  424.4 |   422.0 |  380.5 |
| Other         |    0.5 |    1.3 |   0.6 |    0.8 |    0.6 |    18.2 |    0.7 |
| operating     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| income        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Depreciation  |   -6.7 |   -6.5 |  -6.2 |   -6.9 |   -5.7 |    -5.9 |   -6.2 |
| and           |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| impairments   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Other         | -445.3 | -428.9 | -388. | -456.3 | -373.8 |  -378.7 | -344.3 |
| operating     |        |        |     7 |        |        |         |        |
| expenses      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Operating     |   69.0 |   58.3 |  45.0 |   60.4 |   45.5 |    55.6 |   30.8 |
| profit        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Share of      |   -0.8 |    0.2 |   0.2 |    0.1 |    0.4 |     0.5 |   -0.2 |
| associates'   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| and joint     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| ventures'     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| result        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Financial     |   -4.6 |   -5.9 |   1.1 |   -3.6 |   -4.3 |    -3.1 |   -3.2 |
| income and    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| expenses      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Profit before |   63.5 |   52.6 |  46.3 |   56.9 |   41.5 |    53.0 |   27.4 |
| taxes         |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Taxes         |  -18.1 |  -14.7 | -13.0 |  -14.3 |  -12.0 |   -15.4 |   -8.0 |
| Net profit    |   45.4 |   37.9 |  33.3 |   42.6 |   29.5 |    37.6 |   19.5 |
| for the       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| period        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| CONSOLIDATED  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| BALANCE SHEET |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| - IFRS        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| EUR million   |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
|               |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| ASSETS        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Goodwill      |   59.8 |   59.1 |  56.4 |   56.8 |   58.4 |    55.2 |   54.0 |
| Other         |   63.5 |   63.8 |  60.8 |   59.4 |   61.1 |    52.6 |   54.7 |
| intangible    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| assets        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Property,     |   66.3 |   63.4 |  60.6 |   61.9 |   59.4 |    59.0 |   68.2 |
| plant and     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| equipment     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Other         |   42.9 |   38.6 |  36.6 |   40.0 |   43.3 |    43.8 |   45.1 |
| Total         |  232.4 |  224.8 | 214.4 |  218.0 |  222.2 |   210.6 |  221.9 |
| non-current   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| assets        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Inventories   |  359.6 |  323.5 | 274.6 |  251.2 |  268.3 |   257.2 |  251.6 |
| Receivables   |  512.7 |  488.6 | 458.7 |  431.7 |  422.2 |   402.3 |  378.6 |
| and other     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| current       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| assets        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Cash and cash |   75.1 |   77.3 |  59.7 |   56.0 |   57.3 |    62.0 |   62.0 |
| equivalents   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Total current |  947.4 |  889.4 | 793.0 |  738.9 |  747.8 |   721.6 |  692.3 |
| assets        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Total assets  |      1 |      1 |     1 |  956.9 |  970.1 |   932.3 |  914.2 |
|               |  179.8 |  114.2 | 007.4 |        |        |         |        |

| EQUITY AND    |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| LIABILITIES   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Total equity  |  354.6 |  302.0 |  261.6 |  280.8 |  287.1 |  259.2 |  218.0 |
| Non-current   |  109.5 |  134.1 |  123.9 |  118.8 |  151.8 |  154.0 |  157.2 |
| liabilities   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Provisions    |   41.8 |   38.8 |   35.9 |   37.2 |   30.5 |   27.3 |   27.3 |
| Advance       |  245.8 |  219.3 |  192.9 |  179.1 |  158.7 |  134.6 |  109.8 |
| payments      |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| received      |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Other current |  428.1 |  420.0 |  393.1 |  340.9 |  341.9 |  357.1 |  401.9 |
| liabilities   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Total         |  825.2 |  812.2 |  745.8 |  676.1 |  682.9 |  673.0 |  696.2 |
| liabilities   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Total equity  |      1 |      1 |      1 |  956.9 |  970.1 |  932.2 |  914.2 |
| and           |  179.8 |  114.2 |  007.4 |        |        |        |        |
| liabilities   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - QUARTERLY                                    

| EUR million   |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
|               |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Cash flow     |   76.0 |   64.9 |  51.1 |   67.2 |   51.0 |    43.8 |   36.7 |
| before change |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| in net        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| working       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| capital       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Change in net |   -2.0 |  -29.9 | -29.0 |   39.2 |   10.5 |   -13.1 |   -2.2 |
| working       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| capital       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Financing     |  -22.5 |  -20.9 | -14.1 |   -9.5 |   -9.5 |   -18.4 |  -12.2 |
| items and     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| taxes         |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Net cash from |   51.4 |   14.1 |   8.0 |   96.9 |   52.1 |    12.2 |   22.3 |
| operating     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| activities    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Cash flow     |   -9.7 |  -14.5 |  -3.6 |   -6.4 |  -12.1 |    26.1 |  -12.0 |
| from          |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| investing     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| activities    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Cash flow     |   41.8 |   -0.4 |   4.4 |   90.5 |   40.0 |    38.3 |   10.3 |
| before        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| financing     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| activities    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Proceeds from |    0.4 |    2.2 |   0.4 |    1.2 |   -0.1 |     3.6 |    2.0 |
| options       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| exercised and |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| share issues  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Purchase of   |    0.0 |    0.0 |  -2.5 |  -46.0 |    0.0 |     0.0 |    0.0 |
| treasury      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| shares        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Change of     |  -45.3 |   15.1 |  50.0 |  -46.3 |  -28.7 |   -57.0 |   32.3 |
| interest-bear |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| ing debt      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Dividends     |    0.0 |    0.0 | -46.8 |    0.0 |    0.0 |     0.1 |  -26.8 |
| paid to       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| equity        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| holders of    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| the parent    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Dividends     |   -0.1 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |     0.0 |    0.0 |
| paid to       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| minority      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| interest      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Net cash used |  -45.0 |   17.3 |   1.1 |  -91.1 |  -28.8 |   -53.3 |    7.5 |
| in financing  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| activities    |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Translation   |    1.0 |    0.8 |  -1.8 |   -0.7 |   -1.0 |     0.1 |   -0.1 |
| differences   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| in cash       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Change of     |   -2.2 |   17.6 |   3.8 |   -1.4 |   10.2 |   -14.9 |   17.7 |
| cash and cash |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| equivalents   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Cash and cash |   77.3 |   59.7 |  56.0 |   57.3 |   47.1 |    62.0 |   44.4 |
| equivalents   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| at beginning  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| of period     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Cash and cash |   75.1 |   77.3 |  59.7 |   56.0 |   57.3 |    47.1 |   62.0 |
| equivalents   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| at end of     |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| period        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Change of     |   -2.2 |   17.6 |   3.8 |   -1.4 |   10.2 |   -14.9 |   17.7 |
| cash and cash |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| equivalents   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |

QUARTERLY SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                   

| EUR million   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Sales by      |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
| Business Area |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Service       |  187.2 |  180.5 | 166.1 |  189.1 |  173.2 |   166.7 |  163.2 |
| Standard      |  206.7 |  203.9 | 168.3 |  186.9 |  163.4 |   156.8 |  131.8 |
| Lifting       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Heavy Lifting |  160.5 |  144.8 | 134.2 |  184.4 |  115.0 |   125.8 |  110.6 |
| ./. Internal  |  -33.9 |  -36.8 | -29.5 |  -37.6 |  -27.2 |   -27.2 |  -25.0 |
| Total         |  520.4 |  492.4 | 439.2 |  522.8 |  424.4 |   422.0 |  380.5 |
| Operating     |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
| profit (EBIT) |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| by Business   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Area without  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| gain on the   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| sale of real  |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| estate        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Service       |   27.1 |   23.5 |  22.2 |   27.6 |   24.7 |    21.1 |   18.5 |
| Standard      |   38.1 |   34.9 |  26.8 |   29.0 |   25.1 |    21.9 |   14.3 |
| Lifting       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Heavy Lifting |   14.5 |   12.6 |   7.7 |   15.0 |    3.8 |     5.5 |    7.3 |
| Group costs   |   -9.8 |  -10.6 | -11.0 |  -12.2 |   -5.9 |   -10.2 |   -8.5 |
| Consolidation |   -1.0 |   -2.0 |  -0.7 |    1.0 |   -2.3 |    -0.3 |   -0.7 |
| items         |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Total         |   69.0 |   58.3 |  45.0 |   60.4 |   45.5 |    38.0 |   30.8 |
| Orders        |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
| received by   |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Business Area |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Service 1)    |  170.1 |  172.6 | 156.1 |  152.4 |  154.8 |   157.2 |  159.0 |
| Standard      |  223.1 |  244.8 | 222.2 |  184.2 |  188.2 |   187.5 |  183.4 |
| Lifting       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Heavy Lifting |  159.1 |  198.4 | 212.2 |  165.3 |  191.8 |   148.4 |  114.9 |
| ./. Internal  |  -36.3 |  -36.5 | -28.2 |  -30.9 |  -28.4 |   -28.0 |  -27.8 |
| Total         |  515.9 |  579.3 | 562.3 |  471.0 |  506.4 |   465.1 |  429.4 |
| 1) Excl.      |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Service       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Contract Base |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Order book by |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
| Business Area |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Service       |  151.6 |  140.2 | 121.8 |  109.3 |  122.8 |   124.5 |  112.9 |
| Standard      |  418.2 |  387.8 | 338.4 |  270.9 |  267.7 |   239.5 |  211.0 |
| Lifting       |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Heavy Lifting |  531.7 |  528.0 | 476.5 |  406.1 |  434.3 |   360.9 |  336.0 |
| ./. Internal  |  -36.4 |  -28.3 | -27.0 |  -28.4 |  -29.9 |   -25.1 |  -23.1 |
| Total         |      1 |      1 | 909.7 |  757.9 |  794.8 |   699.8 |  636.8 |
|               |  065.2 |  027.7 |       |        |        |         |        |
| Sales by      |    Q3/ |    Q2/ |   Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |    Q1/ |
| market        |   2008 |   2008 |  2008 |   2007 |   2007 |    2007 |   2007 |
| Europe-Middle |  298.1 |  285.9 | 243.3 |  297.6 |  238.6 |   227.0 |  188.2 |
| East-Africa   |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| (EMEA)        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Americas      |  144.1 |  125.1 | 144.3 |  159.6 |  135.4 |   143.1 |  151.7 |
| (AME)         |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Asia-Pacific  |   78.3 |   81.5 |  51.5 |   65.6 |   50.4 |    51.9 |   40.7 |
| (APAC)        |        |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Total         |  520.4 |  492.4 | 439.2 |  522.8 |  424.4 |   422.0 |  380.5 |

Analyst and press briefing                                                      

A presentation for media and analysts will be held at Konecranes office in      
Helsinki at 12.00 noon Finnish time (address: Eteläesplanadi 22 B, inner court, 
2nd floor). The event will be held in English and the interim report will be    
presented by Konecranes's President and CEO Pekka Lundmark and CFO Teo Ottola.  
The presentation material will be available on the Company's internet pages at  
www.konecranes.com after the release of this report.                            

The conference can also be viewed as a live webcast through the internet pages  
at www.konecranes.com. The archived webcast will be available on the internet   
pages later during the day.                                                     

Next report                                                                     

Konecranes 2008 Financial Statements will be published on February 4, 2009.     

KONECRANES PLC                                                                  

Sanna Päiväniemi                                                                
IR Manager                                                                      

For further information, please contact:                                        
Mr Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, tel. +358 20 427 2000                     
Mr Teo Ottola, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 20 427 2040                   
Ms Sanna Päiväniemi, IR Manager, tel. +358 20 427 2050                          
Mikael Wegmüller,                                                               
Director, Marketing and Communications, tel. +358 20 427 2008                   

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™, serving a broad     
range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards,  
ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity-enhancing lifting         
solutions as well as services for lifting equipment and machine tools of all    
makes. In 2007, Group sales totaled EUR 1,750 million. The Group has 9,600      
employees, at more than 470 locations in 43 countries. Konecranes is listed on  
the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki (symbol: KCR1V).                               

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    


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