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KONECRANES PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   March 12, 2009 at 4.20 p.m.             


The Annual General Meeting of Konecranes Plc was held today on Thursday, 12     
March 2009 at 11 a.m. at the Company's auditorium in Hyvinkää, Finland. The     
meeting approved the company's annual accounts for the fiscal year 2008 and     
discharged the members of the Board and Managing Director from liability.       

The Board of Directors of Konecranes Plc withdrew its proposals on authorizing  
the board to decide on the repurchase of the company's own shares and           
authorizing the board to decide on the issuance of shares as well as other      
special rights entitling to shares.                                             

The decision to withdraw the proposals was made as the Board of Directors was   
informed about the instructions from certain foreign shareholders to their      
representatives to vote against the proposals.                                  

Payment of dividend                                                             

The AGM approved the Board's proposal that a dividend of EUR 0.90 per share is  
paid from the distributable assets of the parent company. Dividend will be paid 
to shareholders who are registered on the record date 17 March 2009 as          
shareholders in the Company's shareholders' register maintained by the Euroclear
Finland Ltd. The dividend will be paid on 25 March 2009.                        

Composition of the Board of Directors                                           

The AGM approved the proposal of the Nomination and Compensation Committee that 
eight (8) members of the Board of Directors be elected. Board members Mr Björn  
Savén and Mr Timo Poranen had announced that they will not be available for     
re-election. The other Board members elected in the AGM in 2008 i.e. Mr Svante  
Adde, Mr Kim Gran, Mr Stig Gustavson, Mr Matti Kavetvuo, Ms Malin Persson and Mr
Mikael Silvennoinen were re-elected. Mr Tomas Billing, President of Nordstjernan
AB and Mr Tapani Järvinen President and CEO of Outotec Oyj were elected as new  

Compensation of the Board of Directors                                          

The AGM confirmed the annual compensation to the Board Members:                 
Chairman of the Board: EUR 100,000                                              
Vice Chairman of the Board: EUR 64,000                                          
Other Board Members: EUR 40,000                                                 

In addition, compensation of EUR 1,500 per meeting will be paid for attendance  
at Board Committee meetings.                                                    

Approximately 40 percent of the annual remuneration will be paid in Konecranes's
shares purchased from the market. The remuneration may be paid also by          
transferring company's own shares based on the authorisation given to the Board 
of Directors. In case the purchase of shares cannot be carried out due to       
reasons related to either the company or the Board member, the annual           
remuneration shall be paid fully in cash.                                       

Travel expenses of Board members are compensated for against receipt.           

Election of the auditors and their remuneration                                 

According to the Articles of Association, the auditors are elected to office    
until further notice. The AGM confirmed that Ernst & Young Oy continues as the  
Company's external auditor. The remuneration of the auditor will be paid        
according to the auditor's reasonable invoice.                                  

Amendment of the Articles of Association                                        

The AGM decided to amend the Section 9 of the Articles of Association so that   
notice to the General Meeting shall be issued no later than three weeks prior to
the General Meeting.                                                            

Authorization of the Board of Directors to repurchase the Company's own shares  

The item was withdrawn by the Board of Directors.                               

Authorization of the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares as  
well as the issuance of options and other special rights entitling to shares    

The item was withdrawn by the Board of Directors.                               

Issuance of stock options                                                       

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to resolve on issuance of stock       
options to the key personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries. The maximum   
total number of stock options issued will be 2,250,000 and the stock options    
entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 2,250,000 new shares in
the Company or existing shares held by the Company.  The share subscription     
price will be credited to the reserve for invested unrestricted equity in its   
entirety. The share subscription price for stock options will be based on the   
prevailing market price of the Konecranes Plc share on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki  
Ltd. in April 2009, April 2010 and April 2011. The share subscription period for
stock options 2009A, will be 1 April 2012—30 April 2014, for stock options      
2009B, 1 April 2013—30 April 2015 and for stock options 2009C, 1 April 2014—30  
April 2016.                                                                     

Minutes of the Meeting                                                          

The minutes of the AGM will be available at the Company's internet pages at as of 26 March 2009.                                 

First meeting of the Board of Directors                                         

In its first meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the Board of        
Directors elected Mr Stig Gustavson to continue as Chairman. Mr Svante Adde was 
elected Chairman of the Audit Committee, and Mr Kim Gran, Mr Tapani Järvinen and
Mr Mikael Silvennoinen as Committee members. Mr Matti Kavetvuo was elected      
Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee, and Mr Tomas Billing, Mr 
Stig Gustavson, and Ms Malin Persson were elected as Committee members.         

In Hyvinkää, March 12, 2009                                                     
Konecranes Plc                                                                  
The Board of Directors                                                          

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™, serving a broad     
range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards,  
ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity-enhancing lifting         
solutions as well as services for lifting equipment and machine tools of all    
makes. In 2008, Group sales totaled EUR 2,103 million. The Group has 9,900      
employees, in 485 locations in 43 countries. Konecranes is listed on NASDAQ OMX 
Helsinki Ltd (symbol: KCR1V).                                                   

KONECRANES PLC                                                                  

Sanna Päiväniemi                                                                
IR Manager                                                                      

FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Ms Sirpa Poitsalo, Director, General Counsel, tel. +358 20 427 2011             

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
