Change to Kungsleden’s Nomination Committee

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​Press Release 14 June 2010

Peter Gustafson has replaced Olle Florén as representative of Olle Florén and companies on Kungsleden’s Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee now has the following members: Frank Larsson (Chairman), representing Handelsbanken Fonder (mutual funds), Eva Gottfridsdotter-Nilsson representing Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning (asset management), Peter Gustafson representing Olle Florén and companies, and Chairman of the Board Per-Anders Ovin. 

Kungsleden AB (publ) discloses the information in this press release according to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Trading Act. The information was provided for public release on 14  June  2010 at 13.00 p.m. 

For more information, please contact:
Frank Larsson, Chairman of Kungsleden’s Nomination Committee, tel: +46 (0)70 666 2765.

This press release is available in Swedish at Kungsleden’s strategy is to ensure sustainable high and stable returns proceeding from its existing holding, and through acquisitions and divestments. As of 31 March 2010, the property portfolio comprised 556 properties with a book value of SEK 21.2 bn. The holding was located in a total of 130 municipalities, although concentrated on the Swedish provinces of Götaland and Svealand, and the Öresund region. Kungsleden has been listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm since 1999.

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