Kungsleden—supporting Aktiefrämjandet

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Press Release 15 January 2010

Listed Swedish property company Kungsleden AB (publ) has taken a decision to support the ‘Young Personal Finance’ project run by Aktiefrämjandet, an independent Swedish foundation promoting share saving, with a SEK 4 m donation. The aim of the project is to provide Sweden’s senior high school students with better knowledge of personal finance and saving in shares and mutual funds. The project’s communication staff will be running an educational programme for some 12,000 students nationwide for one academic year, while also publishing specialised educational material for home or more advanced study. Kungsleden’s SEK 4 m donation, intended for use on the project over four years, will enable these activities to be scaled up and reach even more young people. “Supporting the important work of the Young Personal Finance project feels natural,” commented Kungsleden’s Chief Executive Thomas Erséus, “providing the country’s young people with fundamental information on savings in shares and mutual funds is important, not only for individuals and society generally, but also for us as a listed company. Kungsleden has over 25,000 shareholders, many of them private individuals.” Aktiefrämjandet’s Young Personal Finance project—editor’s notes This schools information project educates Sweden’s senior high school students and teachers on the topics of personal finance and saving in shares and mutual funds. In the academic year 2008/2009, the project’s communications staff met over 12,000 students at schools around the country. Students on a range of programmes, and those with individualized programmes across the length and breadth of the country get an opportunity to find out more about personal finance free of charge. The project’s main financiers are the Swedish Shareholders' Association, the Swedish Investment Fund Association, the Swedish Securities Dealers Association, NasdaqOMX, Unga Aktiesparare (Sweden’s association for younger share savers) and Kungsleden. www.ungprivatekonomi.se

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