The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of all Board members of Kungsleden and new instruction for the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee of Kungsleden proposes that the Annual General Meeting re-elect all current Board members. The Nomination Committee further proposes that the Annual General Meeting adopt a new instruction for the Nomination Committee.
Charlotte Axelsson is proposed for re-election as Chairman of the Board. Ingalill Berglund, Jonas Bjuggren, Christer Nilsson, Jonas Olavi, Charlotta Wikström and Fredrik Wirdenius are proposed for re-election as Board members.
For the purpose of updating and simplifying Kungsleden’s instruction for the Nomination Committee, various changes to the instruction are proposed. These include a proposal by the Nomination Committee that the members of the Nomination Committee be appointed based on the largest shareholders in terms of voting rights as per 31 August each year and that the composition of the Nomination Committee be communicated during the autumn.
The new instruction for the Nomination Committee is proposed to enter into force in relation to the Nomination Committee’s work prior to the 2022 Annual General Meeting. This means that no proposal for election of members to the Nomination Committee will be presented to the 2021 Annual General Meeting. If the Annual General Meeting does not approve the Nomination Committee’s proposal on adoption of new instructions for the Nomination Committee, the company will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting in order to elect members of the Nomination Committee in accordance with the current instruction.
The Nomination Committee in Kungsleden has comprised the following members: Göran Larsson (nominated by Gösta Welandson and companies), who is also Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Niklas Johansson (nominated by Handelsbanken Fonder), Jonas Broman (nominated by Olle Florén and companies) and Charlotte Axelsson (Chairman of the Board).
The Nomination Committee’s full proposals for resolution at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the proposed new instructions for the Nomination Committee, further information about the proposed members of the Board and a statement on the work of the Nomination Committee will be submitted no later than in conjunction with the date of publishing of the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Göran Larsson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee | +46 (0) 706 33 85 90 |
Anna Trane, Head of Corporate Communications, Kungsleden | +46 (0)708 84 74 69 |
About Kungsleden. We are people that create places and experiences for people. By developing and managing attractive and sustainable places, we offer people a better and more inspiring work experience. We are a long-term property owner focused on commercial properties in Sweden’s growth regions. As of 30 September 2020, we owned 211 properties with total value of SEK 39,872 million. Kungsleden (KLED) is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap. Read more at