Intulon App Developer Trades Code for Custom Side Tables

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Olusola (Sola) Abiodun, seasoned software engineer and Intulon owner, channels his unexpected passions for engineering and the arts into conversation-worthy side tables.   

Sola Abiodun is a software engineer for a Fortune 100 company by day. By night, and during any free time, this creative soul trades his coding skills to create custom, Art Deco -inspired side tables. To fund his high style project, Abiodun launched an IndieGoGo campaign in hopes of raising $10,000 by March 7, 2014.

Abiodun also channels his energy into his app development project hub, Intulon. Always tinkering with a project, he recently debuted the fun and free Social Countdown that allows people to create and share a precise timer to their next major life event — down to the second. But, with a stroke of the unexpected, his tech-savvy Intulon blog also touts his colorful oil paintings. Yet painting isn’t his only unexpected artistic pursuit. According to his blog, he’s chiseled yet another left brain/right brain project into his off-duty schedule: woodworking.

How did this unlikely project come about? Abiodun admits that he’s passionate about an “odd combination of arts and software/electronics engineering.” Yet he uses his diverse interests to his advantage. He explains, “This combination led to me building (well - buying, dismantling, and rebuilding to my specs) a CNC machine which combined with some early 3D modeling on Blender, finally lead to these beautiful side tables.” The resulting tables, with Art Deco cityscapes and geometric prints, reflect both Abiodun’s streamlined, engineering mind and his artistic sensibilities.

The beauty is more than surface deep. Abiodun outlines the quality construction of each solid oak table by succinctly listing what they do not include, “No MDF or particle board. No veneer.” Most impressive, he says, “All wood grain patterns are real.” The tables are also sturdy and durable. With the ability to hold 310 pounds, each custom piece could easily double as an impromptu chair during a party. And a hand-applied polyurethane layer delivers “second-to-none surface durability.”

Abiodun admits that he’s testing the waters with his IndieGoGo campaign. Successfully hitting his $10,000 goal will embolden him to upgrade his table project from hobby to something more. Perks start at a $25 for a “I Want to See this Happen!” gift, and range up to a $1,500 contribution for two custom tables. Contributors who qualify for the custom tables are invited to browse the Intulon Art Deco catalog to select colors and design inspiration. “I will work with you to turn your design into a suitable pattern for the table. Please note that most designs will have to be reduced to an outline for this to work,” explains Abiodun.

About Intulon Art Deco: Intulon Art Deco is a high-style project by Olusola (Sola) Abiodun. With decades as a Fortune 500 software engineer and app developer, Abiodun also pursues oil painting and woodworking in his free time. The sturdy, custom Art Deco-inspired tables are available at

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Press Contact: Olusola Abiodun


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