Converting class A shares

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During the month of September the number of shares in Lagercrantz Group AB has changed due to shareholders request for conversion of 1,344 class A shares to corresponding number of class B shares.

After the conversion the total number of class A shares is 1,090,622 and class B shares 22,082,687. The number of shares and the number of votes in Lagercrantz Group AB are shown in the table below:

Number of class A   shares Number of class B   shares Number of votes Number of shares
Before conversion 1,091,966 22,081,343 33,001,003 23,173,309
After conversion 1,090,622 22,082,687 32,988,907 23,173,309

Stockholm, 30 September 2014

Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)

For further information, contact:

Bengt Lejdström, CFO, Lagercrantz Group AB, tel +46 8 700 66 70.

This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act or according to the agreement with NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange. The information was submitted for publication on 30 September 2014 at 08:00 am.


  Lagercrantz Group is a technology group that offers world-leading, value-creating technology, using either proprietary products or products from leading suppliers. The group is comprised of more than 30 companies, each with a focus on a specific sub-market – a niche. A high value-creation is common to all the subsidiaries, including a high degree of customisation, support, service and other services.
  Lagercrantz Group is active in seven countries in Northern Europe, and in China. The Group has approximately 1000 employees and annual revenue of approximately MSEK 2,500. The Company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2001.

