Agreement with Distrivet-Troy to distribute LifeAssays® veterinary products

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For Immediate Release

January 4, 2012

IDEON, Lund - LifeAssays® has today signed an agreement with Spanish company Distrivet-Troy for the distribution of LifeAssays® veterinary system in Spain. Distrivet-Troy is a veterinary distributor with national coverage through local offices and a web based shop. The company has via strategic acquisitions grown to Spain’s leading distribution company for veterinary products.

“We are convinced that we in Distrivet-Troy have found the strong partner we have looked for, to develop the Spanish market for our system. We will now together with them launch our Caine CRP during quarter one and prepare the market for coming products” says CEO Anders Ingvarsson


För ytterligare information kontakta VD för LifeAssays AB, Anders Ingvarsson på telefon 046-286 54 00 eller email: