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  • Lindab International AB : Euroconstruct bi-annual forecasts adapted to Lindab's market mix

Lindab International AB : Euroconstruct bi-annual forecasts adapted to Lindab's market mix

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Euroconstruct (an independent forecasting organisation for the construction industry that covers 19 countries in the Nordic region, Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe) issued its bi-annual report on 9 November, updating its construction forecasts for the coming years. Overall, the forecasts have been revised downwards compared with the previous report in June 2011.

Euroconstruct predicts that for the 19 countries as a whole, the residential segment will grow by 1.3 percent in 2012 (down from 2.6 percent) and the non-residential segment will decrease by 1.4 percent, (down from 0.2 percent growth). The main downward revisions relate to Western Europe and CEE.

Lindab's sales to the markets covered by Euroconstruct represent around 85 percent of Lindab's total sales. The Lindab markets not covered by the forecasts are primarily Russia and Romania. Adjusting Euroconstruct's forecasts to take account of Lindab's geographical mix, segment exposure and late cyclicality, the underlying market growth will be 1 percent for 2012 and just over 2 percent for 2013 (down from 2 percent and 3 percent respectively previously).

Lindab's president and CEO David Brodetsky, comments:
"Due to the Euro crisis, and as we mentioned in our Q3 report, it is no surprise that Euroconstruct's previous forecasts have been downgraded.  However, one should also keep in mind that these latest forecasts have essentially been made in September and do not capture the impact of developments since then. Uncertainties in the markets remain and we continue to monitor the situation closely."

"One area highlighted by Euroconstruct is the growth related to energy-efficiency demands in both new build and renovation, which supports our strategic direction and is particularly favourable for our Ventilation Business Area."



The information here is that which Lindab International AB has willingly chosen to make public or that which it is obliged to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.


David Brodetsky, CEO
Email: david.brodetsky@lindab.com
Mobile: +46 (0)73 274 5418

Lindab - A Ventilation and Building Products company:

Lindab develops, manufactures, markets and distributes products and system solutions primarily in steel for simplified construction and improved indoor climate.

The business is carried out within three business areas, Ventilation, Building Components and Building Systems. The products are characterised by their high quality, ease of assembly, energy efficiency, consideration towards the environment, and are delivered with high levels of service. Altogether, this increases customer value.

The Group had net sales of SEK 6,527 m in 2010, was established in 31 countries and had approximately 4,400 employees. The main market is non-residential construction, which accounts for 80 percent of sales, while residential accounts for 20 percent of sales. During 2010, the Nordic market accounted for 45 percent, CEE/CIS (Central and Eastern Europe as well as other former Soviet states) for 22 percent, Western Europe for 29 percent and other markets for 4 percent of total sales.

The share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange, Stockholm, Mid Cap. For more information visit www.lindabgroup.com
