Change in the number of votes in Loomis AB (publ)

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During the month of March, the number of votes in Loomis AB (publ) has changed due to conversion of all 3,428,520 series A shares to a total of 3,428,520 series B shares, which means there are no issued series A shares in the company. The conversion was implemented based on the possibility for series A shareholders to request conversion of series A shares to series B shares, which was entered into the articles of association at the extraordinary general meeting on 5 September 2018. The number of series B shares has therefore increased by 3,428,520 shares and the number of series A shares has decreased by the same number of shares. The number of votes has decreased by 30,856,680.

As of March 29, 2019, the total number of shares and votes in the company amounts to 75,279,829.

March 29, 2019                                       

Anders Haker
Chief Investor Relations Officer

Mobile: +1 281 795 8580

Loomis offers safe and effective comprehensive solutions for the distribution, handling, storage and recycling of cash and other valuables. Loomis customers are banks, retailers and other operators. Loomis operates through an international network of more than 400 branches in more than 20 countries. Loomis employs around 25,000 people and had revenue in 2018 of SEK 19.2 billion. Loomis is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large-Cap list.

This information is information that Loomis AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 8.00 a.m. CET on March 29th, 2019.