Welcome to Loomis Capital Market Day, 17 November

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In recent years we have been focusing on improving Loomis’ profitability, and based on our report for the first three quarters this year we believe we have a good chance of achieving our most important financial goal – an operating margin of 8 percent for 2010. 

We have therefore now developed a new strategy and new financial goals and would like to invite you to a Capital Market Day on 17 November where we will present these as well as the opportunities we have identified in the international market. Members of Loomis’ executive management will present their respective areas of responsibility and we will also show you some aspects of our business, how we add value for our customers and the form that some of our services take in practice.  

Participants from Loomis: 

Lars Blecko, CEO
Jarl Dahlfors, USA
Ashley Bailey, UK
Marcus Hagegård, Finance
Kenneth Högman, Business Development
Georges Lopez Periago, France and Spain 

The Capital Market Day will take place at the offices of Hallvarsson & Halvarsson, Sveavägen 20, Stockholm. 

If you wish to attend, please contact Carina Cederblad, +46 (0)8 522 920 53, e-mail:
carina.cederblad@loomis.com, preferably before 12 November. 


8.30-9.00           Gathering and coffee 

9.00-10.00         Introduction and presentations 

10.00-11.15       Presentation of various aspects of our business           

11.15-12.30       Presentations and summary 

Around 12.30     Light lunch


Lars Blecko
President and CEO

Cell number: +46 70 641 49 10

Loomis offers safe and effective solutions for the distribution, handling and recycling of cash for banks, retailers and other commercial companies via an international network consisting of more than 370 branch offices in 13 European countries and in the US. Loomis has 20 000 employees and a turnover of 12 billion Swedish kronor. Loomis is a midcap listed company on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Loomis AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 8.30 a.m. (CET) on November 5th, 2010



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