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  • Cleantech Invest portfolio firm ResQ Club wins the best Finnish mobile services award at Slush

Cleantech Invest portfolio firm ResQ Club wins the best Finnish mobile services award at Slush

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ResQ Club, a service reducing food waste at restaurants and facilitating the purchase of food portions affordably, was awarded as the service with the best global potential and also took home the main award in the Best Mobile Service 2016 competition.

The countrywide competition had 7 prize categories, and it was executed in collaboration with Teleforum ry, Teknologiateollisuus ry, and a number of actors from the business sector. Traffic and communications minister Anne Berner acted as the chairman of the jury.

“The ability and courage to develop services that can be offered directly to the global markets is one of the cornerstones of Finland’s successfulness in the future. It has been great to see the kind of top digital knowhow that can be found in the country, and this competition is a nice way to bring forth both fine services and the creators behind them”, says Berner.

ResQ Club, which was awarded as the service with the best global potential, has gathered tens of thousands of users and landed in multiple European countries since its launch early this year (Jan 2016). The service allows users to purchase restaurant food portions affordably and by doing so rescues a significant amount of food from unnecessarily ending up as waste.

Tuure Parkkinen, CEO and co-founder of ResQ Club comments: "We are humbled by this recognition of the potential of our service and the hard work that our team has thus far put into developing our service and finding new uses for it with our innovative partners. We've learned many things, but most importantly that we can't achieve our vision, the elimination of unnecessary food waste, alone. We need to partner up with other innovative organizations and communities in the markets where we operates. Together, we believe we can achieve miracles". 

Contact information:

Alexander Lidgren, Managing Director of Cleantech Invest Plc. Tel. 46 73 660 1007, alexander.lidgren@cleantechinvest.com

Tuure Parkkinen, CEO of ResQ Club, Tel 358 50 531 8115, tuure@resq-club.com

ResQ Club in brief

ResQ Club is a service that makes it possible to save high quality food from ending up in restaurants dustbins. The service works with iOS and Android apps, or via a web browser (resq-club.com/app).

With ResQ everyone is a winner. Customers are able to buy good food easily at a low price and restaurants and cafes make money from leftover food. At the same time, everyone does the environment a favor by reducing food waste.

ResQ Club is currently active in 25 cities in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and Estonia and Malaysia. The service has over 60,000 registered users and more than 90,000 portions have already been “resQ’d”. The number of affiliated restaurants, cafés, hotels, and other food service providers is now at about 400 with over 20 new venues signing up every week.

The company was founded in 2015 and is owned over 80 percent by the employees, investors include Cleantech Invest, Itrim founder Martin Anderlind, and Peter Carlsson, formerly a VP at Tesla Motors. ResQ Club's headquarters are located in Helsinki, Finland. For more information, visit: www.resq-club.com 

ResQ Club introductory video from early 2016 is available at:

Cleantech Invest in brief

Cleantech Invest is a Nordic accelerator with investments in growth companies that solve global challenges. The portfolio companies are active in energy- and resource efficiency as well as decentralized renewable energy and are based in Finland, Sweden and Germany. The company management consists of company builders and investors who have been active within the cleantech space for over a decade.The company is listed on First North Finland under the ticker CLEAN and on First North Stockholm under the ticker CLEANT A.


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