Loudspring postpones its Annual General Meeting 2020

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Loudspring Oyj

Company Release

31.3.2020 at 11.00 (EEST)

Loudspring Board of Directors have on 30.3.2020 decided that, because of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and decisions and recommendations taken by the authorities, the Annual General Meeting which was announced earlier to be held on Friday 24th of April 2020 in Helsinki will be postponed. Loudspring will convene the Annual General Meeting as soon as the circumstances permit. The invitation to the Annual General Meeting, which was to be released on 1st of April 2020 will also be postponed and published separately at a later date.

The Board of Directors has approved the full year 2019 financial statements. Audited financial statements are available at loudspring.earth/share/general-meetings.

Contact information:

Jarkko Joki-Tokola, CEO, Loudspring Oyj. Tel. +358 40 637 0501, jarkko@loudspring.earth

Erik Penser Bank AB, Certified Adviser. Tel. +46 8 463 83 00, certifiedadviser@penser.se

Loudspring in brief  

Loudspring is an investment company focused on saving natural resources. We own and operate Nordic growth businesses that are fighting climate change and making a big environmental impact. We have a diversified business portfolio with technologies that save energy, water and materials in industry, real estate and in everyday life. 

The company group is listed on First North Growth Market Finland under the ticker LOUD and on First North Growth Market Stockholm under the ticker LOUDS.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/loudspring/

Twitter: @loudspring

IG: @loudspring_earth

FB: @loudspringco

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